“No one but the doctor, Liam, and Alana know about the attempt to kill me, and they agreed to keep our secret.”

“You think you can bluff two scam artists? It’s too dangerous.”

“They think you and I

are almost strangers. There’s no reason for them to believe you’re involved with me hacking his computer.”

“Damn it, Elle.” Frustration boiled over. “You were almost killed.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“I think you’re in shock. Realization is going to hit like a tsunami. What if we’re in the restaurant when it happens?”

Elle cupped his cheek, stood up on her tiptoes, and kissed him. A nice, easy, slow touch of the lips. Her tongue sought out the inside of his mouth, sweeping in and out. Jesus, she’d already figured out how to bend him to her will?

“What’s the plan for dinner?” she asked.


Elle took Logan’s arm as they crossed the lobby to the restaurant. She glanced up at him and smiled, remembering his expression when she’d walked into the common room wearing her ruby-red, body-hugging dress. He’d protested her plan until she’d kissed him into silence.

He stopped just short of the restaurant’s entrance. “What could you possibly find funny?”

“The look on your face when you saw my dress.”

“You look beautiful in it, very Christmassy. I’d like it better in a pile at your feet.” His compliment was nice, but the nerves in his jaws twitched. “You’re positive you want to do this?”

“Yes. It’s my turn to ask if you can pull this off.”

“I don’t like putting you through this.”

“I want to see the expression on Brandon’s face when he realizes I’m alive.”

Logan escorted her into the dining room. The realization that she was about to face her attacker hit her with the force of a truck. Her hands were cold as ice cubes and hung heavy at the ends of her arms. Her fight-or-flight reflexes kicked in. Her feet begged to turn toward the exit and run, but her brain demanded she pick up a wine bottle and smash Brandon in the head.

Logan’s fingers found hers, sending a message of safety and support. Warmth flooded her hand, up her arm, giving Elle instant strength. She could face anybody or anything with him at her side.

Elle’s gaze locked on Brandon as she and Logan arrived at the table. Brandon stood and greeted them as if they were the dearest of friends. His calm demeanor as he waited for Elle to sit shook her to the core. How much evil had to consume you before you attempted to murder a person and then pretend it had never happened?

Logan spoke first. “There’s something we want to tell you, but it comes with a request that it not leave this table.”

“I love intrigue,” Nicki said. “I can keep a secret.”

“As can I,” Brandon agreed.

“Our room was broken into this afternoon. Elle was attacked.” Logan’s tone was flat but not confrontational. “We’ve asked management to keep it quiet until the pass opens and the police can be notified.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. You’re uninjured?” Brandon’s phony look of concern sickened Elle.

She gripped Logan’s knee for strength. “I’m fine.” She couldn’t resist turning her gaze on Brandon. She hoped he got the message that she knew what he’d done.

Logan took over and provided the couple with a brief overview, skipping the method. “It was unfortunate that Elle was in the suite when the burglary occurred,” he lied.

Elle’s chest swelled with pride. Logan’s ability to pretend he believed that the attack on her was a burglary gone wrong was impressive.

“I should move my jewelry to the resort safe.” Nicki twirled the diamond bracelet on her arm, stopped, and covered her mouth with her fingers. “I’m sorry. That sounded selfish. I’m glad you’re okay.”

Elle forced herself to place her hand in Nicki’s. A nod was all Elle could muster. Her mind jumped around, shooting off in different directions. Neither Brandon nor Nicki displayed guilt. In fact, they both appeared to be shocked.