“I will,” Elle said, hugging the older woman. “Thank you.”

Logan escorted the trio to the door. He thanked each person individually before hurrying back to Elle. He eased down next to her and pulled her into his arms. Needing reassurance she was okay, he gently kissed her. Her warm response helped untie the knots in his gut and shifted the boulder off his chest. He ran his hands over every inch he could reach before he laid her back on her pillows.

“Do you feel like talking?”

“Yes. As soon as I get off this bed.”

“You sure? The doc said you should rest.”

“Then I’ll rest on the couch or your bed.” She swung her feet to the floor and stood. Elle leaned against him, and he led her to the common room.

Logan considered trying to preserve the crime scene but decided against it. Too many people had been in here within the past few hours. It could be days before a forensic team could get to the castle. Son of a bitch. That was why Nicki had kept looking at the door. She’d kept him busy while Brandon had tried to kill Elle.

Elle turned to Logan. “What have I started? I shouldn’t have been playing detective.”

Logan swept her into his arms. She buried her head in his neck as her full body shivered. He carried her into the common room, laid her on the couch, and then sat on the coffee table. He struggled to push the guilty feelings from his mind.

“We’ll get through this. I’m sorry I left you alone. It won’t happen again.” He took her hand in his. “Close your eyes and tell me everything you remember. If you get scared, we’ll stop for a while.”

Elle recalled falling asleep and waking to what was probably a pillow over her face. Tears slid down her cheeks as she admitted the fear and pain she’d felt when she’d realized she wasn’t able to breathe. “It was like a great weight just landed on me.” She gasped. Her eyes opened wide.

“What is it?”

“I heard a voice.” She closed her eyes again. “Die, you nosy bitch.”

Elle’s voice trembled and Logan rubbed her hand. “You’re doing great. Did you recognize the voice?”

“No. It sounded so far away. I’m sorry. That’s all I remember.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. You were wonderful. Occasionally, people can’t remember anything.”

“My life didn’t flash in front of my face.” She gave him a weak grin. “But that’s when a person is drowning. Right?”

“So I’ve heard. What did you think about?”

“All the things I was leaving undone and words unspoken. I didn’t want to die.”

“There’ll be time for everything.” Logan refused to think about her dying. He had to concentrate on putting Brandon away for a very long time. “You make a bucket list, and I’ll make sure to fulfill every wish.”

“I may hold you to that.” Elle pushed herself up, stood, and then took a couple of steps.

“Where are you going?” Logan asked.

“I have to move around.” She stopped with one foot still in the air. “Did you move my laptop?”

“No. When I left, it was here on the counter.” Logan dragged a hand across his chin. “He knows there was an attempted breach on his files and tracked it back to your laptop.”

“He also must know the files self-destructed. Why try to kill me?”

“I wish I knew. That explains why Nicki was so curious about you, asking how well I knew you and if we were a couple.”

“What do we do now?”

“I’ll cancel dinner with the bastard. You’re not going near him or Nicki.” Logan wrapped his arms around Elle. Holding her as close as possible, he buried his face in her hair, imprinting her body into his memory. “Never assume. A lesson I learned years ago. Yet I assumed the bastard wasn’t violent. My mistake almost got you killed.”

“You can’t cancel.” She straightened her back and stepped away. Her dark eyes were sharp and determined. “I’m alive, and you’re not to blame for the attack. Your friend needs time to break the code and send us the rest of his files.”

“You can’t sit across the table from the bastard after he tried to kill you. Hell, I’m not sure I can. Not without snapping his neck.”