“Sometimes, good things happen to good people,” Brandon assured Logan. He waved for the server. “The drinks are on me.”
Logan kept his pace slow and easy as he meandered across the lobby. It was only after the elevator doors closed that he blew out a breath and relaxed. He almost ran down the hall to the room. He couldn’t wait to tell Elle what had happened.
Alana met him at the door. Logan scanned the room. Liam stood between him and the door to Elle’s room, which had been closed. Logan’s gut knotted. He skipped all pleasantries. “What’s wrong?”
“Elle has been attacked.”
In three strides, his hand was on the doorknob.
“Wait.” Alana caught his arm. “She’s fine. A doctor is with her.”
“What happened?” His heart rose and jammed into the back of his throat.
“Someone tried to smother her,” Alana said in a whisper.
“What? My God, I should be in there with her.” Anger rose from deep inside. His fingers rolled into a tight fist. He’d done a piss-poor job of taking care of her. “Why didn’t you send for me?”
“I’m sorry, Logan, but she insisted you not be disturbed,” Liam said.
“Disturbed?” Logan’s head was going to explode.
“She called the office, and I came up straight away,” Alana added quickly. “I sat with her while Liam located the doctor. She was shaken up but seemed to be okay.”
“She begged me not to notify the police. I honored her request, but this makes me very uncomfortable. We’re lucky that a family practitioner is here on vacation,” Liam added.
“How long has he been in there?” Logan stared at the door handle.
“Maybe fifteen minutes,” Alana said.
Logan dragged his hands over his face. Dozens of questions flooded his mind. The urge to pound someone to dust battled with his need to see her. The word why reverberated through his head.
“I’m not waiting much longer.”
The door opened just as Logan finished his sentence. A middle-aged male, trim as a long-distance runner and as gray-haired as Liam, extended his hand.
“You must be Logan.” The man smiled, stepped back, and waved Logan inside.
Logan wasted no time getting to Elle’s side. Dropping to his knees, he leaned down into her open arms. He breathed in her scent. Ran his fingers over her skin. Her pale face and the pink hue of her eyes sent his heart into free fall. “Elle, baby. You scared me.”
“Scared me too.” She smiled, but her eyes hid a layer of terror.
Logan glanced up. “Doctor…?”
“Abroon.” He shook Logan’s hand. “She had quite a scare. The bruises on her arms and her bloodshot eyes will clear up in a few days. “You’ll notify the police?” he asked Liam.
“I am the police.” Logan stretched the truth since he had no jurisdiction in Colorado.
“Do you think Brandon Ethridge did this?” Alana asked.
The Fitzgeralds had no knowledge of the flash drive, so Logan was careful with his words. “I can’t imagine it being anyone but him. Without proof, it’s best not to accuse him.”
“As soon as the roads are passable, I’ll have to notify our local police,” Liam said.
“Absolutely,” Logan agreed.
“Then we’ll leave so Elle can get some rest,” Liam said.
Alana smoothed her fingers across Elle’s cheek. “Call me if you need anything.”