“Me?” Elle decided she had nothing to lose by telling the truth. “Of course not. I keep remembering how I felt when we kissed.”

“It was worth remembering.” Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I don’t know about you, but nothing gets my mind off wanting to have hot, sweaty sex, like strong coffee and warm muffins.”

“So you’re not pissed at me for breaking the law?”

“I’m still working on that.” His mischievous smile said he was joking.

“Try to see it from my point of view. When my parents died, Nan opened her arms and house to Eric and me. She never once complained. She worked hard, provided us with everything we needed, and taught us to put a little money into a nest egg. Her savings was her way of ensuring she had a simple but decent retirement.”

“I love her too. With Mom and Dad always working, your grandmother gave me the guidance I wasn’t getting at home. I feel your sense of loyalty, but there’s a right way to bring Ethridge to justice. Nothing we learn from the information you stole is admissible.”

“So you’ve said. But if it points us in the right direction—” The elevator doors opened, and Nicki Ethridge stepped inside.

“Logan.” She stopped halfway inside. The smile she’d given him vanished when she saw Elle. Nicki took a card from her purse and handed it to him. “When you have a minute, give me a call.” She stepped back and let the doors close.

“Wow. That was awkward.” Elle laughed, but jealousy re

sted right under the surface. “My skin should be burning from the blistering look she gave me.”

The elevator stopped, and the doors swished open, ending their conversation. Right before they entered the Fitzgeralds’ office, Logan caught her arm.

“You’re sure no one saw you?”

“The maid who let me in. If by chance someone does question her, she’ll remember that a blonde woman asked for help.”

“Damn it, Elle.”

The conversation ended when Alana opened the door. “Come in. The muffins are still warm.”

It took less than an hour for Logan and Elle to share all the information they had on Brandon Ethridge and his investment scheme. Elle told her grandmother’s story. She tried to show that he had no conscience.

She had never seen Logan in a professional capacity. Her heart expanded with pride as he presented his plan to Liam and Alana. He was not only precise, he was personable.

“Ethridge is smart. He has good lawyers who protect him, and he’s proven he can outsmart the authorities. We intend to stop him from destroying anyone else’s retirement.”

Liam had been full of questions. He’d listened intently but had remained noncommittal the entire time. His gaze scanned the documents Logan had laid out on the conference room table.

Alana reached across the table and rested her hand on top of her husband’s. “All they’re asking for is our silence. It’s the least we can do.”

He looked up at Elle. “How’s your grandmother?”

“She’s gone back to work. Moved into a smaller house.” Elle’s eyed filled with tears. “My brother and I are all the family she has left. Nan is a proud woman. She refuses to accept financial help from us.”

Liam smiled, patting Elle on the shoulder. “Your grandmother is fortunate to have you. We lost our grandson in a skiing accident last year. We’ve been considering selling the resort or turning it over to a management team.”

“Brandon Ethridge will try to use your grief to his advantage,” Logan said.

“It won’t work,” Liam said. “Not after hearing the truth about him.”

Elle and Logan said their good-byes, but she stopped at the door and returned to Liam. “This place wouldn’t be the same without you and Alana. Your charm and love for each other makes the castle warm and welcoming. I’ll bet your grandson loved being here and wouldn’t want you to sell.”

Elle hugged Liam and Alana, then hurried out. Logan paused. His dark eyes sparkled.

“What?” Elle asked. Her heart expanded. Breath caught. His expression confused her. Was it pride, confusion, or affection radiating from his face?

“You’re amazing.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

Elle melted into him. Right there in the lobby without thought as to who might be watching, she slipped her arms around his waist and returned his kiss.