“There’s nothing funny about that kiss. Or your reaction to it.” Her breathing was irregular, and her pupils had dilated.

“Elle.” God, he was truly a bastard. If she took a single step forward, he would pull her into his arms and kiss her until she begged for release. “You’re a beautiful woman. I’d have to be dead not to want you. But you’re excited because of your recent acquisition.” He nodded toward the flash drive. “Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, like water through a fire hose. After you crash, I don’t want you to regret how you celebrated.”

The air between them chilled as they stared at each other. No way could he tell her that he’d fallen for her years ago. Up here in the mountains, snowed in and on an adventure, she was too vulnerable.

“One of these days, you’ll figure out that I’m capable of making my own choices and decisions.”

Her independence and strength just made him want her more. “I don’t want you avoiding me after we get back to Texas because you regret one of those decisions.”

A shrill ring ended their discussion. Logan turned to the bar and picked up the room phone. “Hello.”

“Mr. Ford, Alana Fitzgerald here. I’ve ordered coffee and a plate of our special recipe homemade muffins for our meeting. Is there anything special you’d like to add?”

She’d caught Logan off guard, and he paused to get his brain back on track. “Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.” He glanced at his watch. “We’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“Yes. Fair warning, Liam is still a bit miffed and needs convincing.”

“I can do that. He might feel better if he calls the Fort Worth Police Department and asks for Eric Reagan.” Logan ended the call and repeated the conversation to Elle. “Give me a few minutes to shower and change. We have to persuade Liam to let this play out.”

“And wasn’t that call perfect timing? I’ll change and be right out.” Elle leaned around him and picked up her laptop. She tucked it under her arm and walked to her room.

Logan considered going after her, but didn’t trust himself near a bed and her at the same time. As bad as he needed a long cold shower, he settled for a quick in and out. Until the day before leaving for Castle Alainn, he’d owned very few dress clothes. His wardrobe had consisted of casual stuff and various styles of boots and a couple pairs of tennis shoes.

He slid on his black, hundred-percent virgin wool slacks that had set him back a pretty penny, a blue Italian cotton shirt, and then slipped his feet into calf leather loafers. Damn, how anyone got used to dressing this way was a mystery. Give him a pullover, a pair of jeans, and western boots any day.

Elle was waiting in the common room. “Wow. You look like a million bucks.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Logan tugged at his shirt collar. “As usual, you look great. Of course, I’m a little prejudiced.”

She wore brown boots, a long tan skirt, and a brown sweater. A low ponytail held all those dark waves off her face, highlighting her cheekbones and creamy complexion.


Her tone, low and flat, cut through him. A snake slithering though the grass couldn’t have felt any lower than Logan did at that moment. No way could he leave the room with her feelings hurt.

Logan walked to her and cupped her cheek in his hand. “When the time is right, you’re going to make a decision about us. Left to me, you’ll be whispering my name before dark.” He kissed her softly, rimming her lips with his tongue before stepping back. She smiled at him, lifting a huge weight off his shoulders. The front of his pants got tight again.

“I like being the decision maker.” She ran her fingers across his chin.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” Logan said, behind a laugh.


“I wish we didn’t have to go.” Elle’s heart pounded against her rib cage. Logan’s kiss had sent desire gnawing at her very foundation. All these years, he’d ignored her, treated her like a little sister. Had he thought she didn’t care for him, or had Eric interfered?

“Me too.” Logan opened the door for her, paused, and looked up and down the hall.

“What are you looking for?” Elle struggled to get her brain back on track. Logan appeared to have returned to normalcy.

“I’m wondering if you made your film debut when you broke into the Ethridge suite.”

“I checked before the first time. There aren’t any cameras in the halls or elevators.”

“Good. You being arrested for breaking and entering would be a surefire way to end this project.” Logan walked the length of the hall, returned, and then pushed the elevator button.

“I’d tell them you weren’t involved. You’d just have to work without me.”

“Like that’s going to happen.” He tugged her ponytail. “You okay?”