It was Logan’s turn to chuckle. “More likely muscle memory kicked in, saving me from winding up flat on my back or wrapped around a tree. Obviously, you and your dad hit the slopes a lot.”

Nicki launched into a story about the many different ski vacations she’d enjoyed. He tried a couple of times to get her to talk about Brandon, but she’d steer the conversation back to all the places a person could vacation if they had enough money.

“Who runs your business when you’re away?” Nicki leaned forward.

“My father. He has a good head for business. After I opened the fourth B and B, I hired him as my chief operations officer. He’s really good at keeping the books. I just wish he had more savvy when it comes to investing my money.” Logan stood, ending the conversation. His intention was to leave Nicki wanting more. “I enjoyed the day, but I’d better get back. Like your dad, I have some calls to make.”

Logan signed the tab and left the coffee shop. It took great restraint not to rush to the elevator. The closer he got to the room, the harder his heart pounded. Shit, he was acting like a kid. He’d only been gone a few hours, yet he’d missed Elle.

He jammed the card key into the slot, opened the door, and called out. “Decent or not, I’m coming in.”

“I’ve been waiting for you,” Elle said. “Come see what I have.”

Her excited tone spoke volumes. She’d broken into the Ethridges’ suite after he’d asked her not to. Logan dropped his backpack on the couch and walked to her bedroom doorway. “Damn it, Elle. If you—” A swath of blonde hair spread across the foot of her bed caught his attention. “The wig again? Do I want to know what you’ve done?”

“Not if you’re going to judge me. I came to Castle Alainn to get proof. It’s the only reason I’m here.” She gave Logan a go-to-hell look and stood. Carrying the laptop, she walked past him to the bar in the common room.

“You’re damn proud of breaking the law.”

“My battery is low. Hang on while I get the cord.”

He caught her by the arm as she passed. She turned into him. Her breasts brushed against his chest, stalling his brain for a second. “Damn it, Elle.” Frustration bubbled up. “You could’ve been seen.”

“I opened a list of client names, but there are other larger files that I haven’t opened yet. There’s a lock next to them. With or without your help, I’m going to get them open.”

“Elle.” He wanted to be pissed, but honestly, hadn’t he known what she’d planned to do today? He was as guilty as she was.

“You understand. Don’t you?” Her eyes were full of hope.

“Yes.” Logan, lost in her nearness, lowered his head fully intending to taste her lush mouth. She rose on her toes to meet him. A second before contact, his brain started working, and he stepped back. “Get your cord.”

He turned away and quickly rearranged himself. What would she think if she noticed his erection? Two hands slid up his chest to his shoulders. She leaned into him.

“You almost kissed me.” Her warm breath caressed his neck.

“But I didn’t.”

“Why did you stop?”

“You know why.” His resolve was slipping. Her breasts pressed into his back, sending streaks of fire south. “Kissing you would change everything. The dynamics of our relationship would never be the same.” Erection be damned, he had to make her understand. He took a bolstering breath and turned to face her.

Eyes dark as

night stared up at him. The gold specks he’d always admired seemed to sparkle even brighter than usual. Lush, pouty lips parted slightly, begging to be devoured.

He did the only thing he could. He buried both hands in her hair and kissed her.

Her lips parted as she pressed against him, moaning softly. An explosion came from somewhere deep inside, and he swept his tongue inside her mouth, probing and tasting the sweetness that was uniquely Elle. This was no soft and easy exploration to see if a flame existed and might grow. This was a full-on assault between two starving people who could only be satisfied by intimate contact with each other. A battle that had been brewing for years.

Her hands roamed up and down his back, stopping at his waist. Cool air hit his skin as his shirt slid from his pants. Logan’s breath caught as her warm fingers massaged his tight muscles. He looped one hand around her waist and tugged her snug against his body. His erection pushed against her soft flesh, but she only dug her fingers in deeper as their tongues fought for supremacy.

Insanity had taken hold of them both. Somebody had to slam on the brakes. Could he stop? This would be the hardest task he’d ever faced. Logan tore his lips from hers.

“Elle, baby. We can’t.” He lowered his forehead to lean against hers. Both of them struggled to catch their breath.

“Sure we can.” She’d spoken so softly he’d had to strain to hear her words. She took a couple of steps backward. Looking up at him, she hit him with a piercing look. “Maybe you meant to say that we shouldn’t?” Her gaze dropped to the most painful erection he’d ever had. “Saying we can’t? That’s crap.”

Shit. He’d really screwed things up. “You’re making jokes?”