“Yeah… kind of. It feels good to be empty, but the pump is really the worst job for it. What it really needs is something soft and warm, like a mouth.”

A jolt went through Veronica, shooting from her pussy up her spine. Her tits tingled deep inside and she remembered Jane between her legs on the side of the road, her sweet, hot mouth tugging greedily at her nipples. Heat prickled her scalp as Kim’s eyes lifted and met hers, pinning her in place. She felt faint. Unfocused. Kim squeezed her breast gently, showing Veronica just how soft and pillowy the flesh was beneath her fingers.

“That makes sense,” whispered Veronica, breaking the silence. Her head swam… she could hardly string words together. “What—what do you do with the milk?”

Kim shrugged and pulled the suction cup free. It made a smacking sound as it disconnected from her nipple, leaving it all long and red and hard. Milk dribbled down the deep, half-moon declivity beneath her breast and onto her flat tummy. She moved the suction cup to the other breast, making the skin taut between her V-ed fingers as it latched on and started to pull. She made a throaty little moan and shifted in her seat, her legs falling open as the first spurts of milk came out.

“Some I save for the baby, but mostly I just toss it out. It’s a shame. I mean, it tastes good and it must be good for you, right?”

“It tastes good…” Veronica echoed her words, letting them wash over her.

“Yeah,” laughed Kim as she rested her head against the back of the couch. Her body was unfolding, opening up in the noonday heat. Flushed and pretty, she smiled easily as Veronica, her scent hanging in the air between them like perfume. Her finger swirled around the tip of her nipple, picking up a smear of milk and holding it out toward Veronica. “Want to taste it?”

Veronica’s eyes went wide. Her heart pounded in her ears as she stared at the creamy white smear on Kim’s fingertip, then at the bare swell of her tits all dripping with cream. All she wanted in the world was to taste it, to savor her sweet flavor, but not off her finger—she wanted it directly from the source.

Slowly, she leaned in and took her finger in her mouth. It dragged slowly along her tongue, depositing her milky gift. It tasted subtle and sweet, with an indefinable flavor that made her swoon. Kim pulled her finger free, softly tracing Veronica’s pouty bottom lip.

“You have a gorgeous mouth, Roni. It’s so pouty.” Kim’s voice was warm velvet. Veronica shuddered and her eyes fluttered shut for a minute, savoring the heat and spark between them. “Did you like it?”

Years of fantasies about her, about feeling and tasting her, were coming true—but it was wrong. So wrong. I have a girlfriend… this woman is my stepmother, she thought in frustration. I can’t… I can’t…

“Yes. So sweet,” she replied. The heat in her pussy was overwhelming. She held her legs together, trying to obscure the wet spot forming between her legs. Her eyes slid brazenly over Kim’s tits, her gaze hungry for them.

Kim shifted and palmed them again, squeezing them so a fat drop of milk formed at the tip. Veronica couldn’t help herself; she leaned in, her eyes never leaving Kim’s eyes, and opened her mouth, catching the drop as it fell. Kim giggled.

“You’ll never empty me out like that. One drop at a time,” she whispered.

Veronica trembled at her words. It’s happening… finally. Her tongue darted out, licking her lips as she leaned in again. Kim’s eyes melted into her, urging her on. Veronica dragged her bottom lip up the underside of Kim’s nipple before closing her mouth over the stiff l

ittle peak and giving a long suck. A burst of cream flooded her mouth, coating her tongue with its richness. Kim gasped and gave a little murmur as she plunged her hand into Veronica’s hair.

“Mmm, Roni. That’s it, baby, drink it all down. Oh god, it feels so good,” she hissed as Veronica latched on, sucking and slurping the cream until it dribbled down her chin.

Her hand cupped Kim’s massive tits, squeezing and toying with them as she filled her mouth with her flesh and milk. Every nerve in her body lit on fire as she straddled the older blonde, feeling her curvy body pressing against her inflamed pussy. She gathered up her tits and pressed them together, pulling off the pump and tossing it aside.

Kim pulled her close and pressed her face to her breast, stroking her hair as the younger girl suckled her greedily. Bliss flooded Veronica and she closed her eyes, immersing herself in the feel of the woman’s body and her sweet taste. A hand slipped beneath Veronica’s body, cupping and stroking her oh-so-sensitive pussy through the moist fabric of her shorts.

“You’re so wet, baby,” whispered Kim with a wicked purr. “Your little pussy is drenched. Let me feel it. Go on, take those off.”

Veronica pulled free from her tit and stood up, easing the flimsy little shorts over her lush hips. Kim slipped her hand inside her yoga pants and stroking herself as she eye’d Veronica’s swollen, red pussy.

“Isn’t it pretty?” came a voice behind her. Hands slipped around her and down between her legs, parting the slick and swollen lips. Veronica startled as Jane’s arms closed around her, holding her in place. “You were right about Kim, Roni. She’s hot. She and I had a long talk last night after you went to sleep.”

“Yes we did,” said Kim with a growl as she scooted to the edge of the couch. Her lips were so close that Veronica could feel the warmth of her breath against her pussy.

Jane pulled her pussy lips apart even further to reveal the stiff pink pearl poking out. “Look how hot you get her, Kim. I bet she wants you to suck her little clit like she did your big, hard nipples. Don’t you, Roni?”

Veronica swooned. Even knowing about Jane’s adventurousness couldn’t prepare her for what was happening. She nodded and pressed her hips forward, offering up her clit to the blonde kneeling at her feet. Kim’s flushed red lips closed over her slit, giving a long, luxurious suck that wrung a guttural moan from her. Her knees buckled, but Jane held her up, whispering in her ear and pinching her nipples, forcing her pussy harder against Kim’s hungry mouth.

“Ooooh, fuck!” she squealed as Kim’s tongue fluttered over the little bud, making it sizzle and sing. “Mmmm, that’s good. That’s so good!”

Kim smiled as her fingers slid inside, waking up the nerves buried deep within her pussy. She sucked and sucked, swallowing down Veronica’s honey as her fingers slid in and out, exciting her nerves. Everything inside her felt full—overripe—like she was going to burst and spill her sweet, hot juices everywhere.

“You taste just like I imagined,” she said, her smiling lips all wet with Veronica’s essence. Veronica felt a frustrated pang as Kim pulled free and settled back on the couch. She wriggled out of her shorts and spread her legs, showing her neatly clipped pussy. It was all flushed and red and glistening. “Come back, baby. Finish drinking me and I’ll make you cum, okay? Be a good little girl.”

Veronica collapsed against her, her mouth seeking out Kim’s and kissing her deeply, tasting her own pussy on her tongue. Jane came too, nuzzling Kim’s neck and palming her big, hefty tits.

“God, your tits are magnificent,” she moaned as she squeezed them. A pang of jealousy shot through Veronica hearing Jane say that, but it faded almost immediately. Her dream was coming true. “May I?”