Jane cleared her throat. “No, we didn’t break down, we just pulled over to talk.”

Veronica swore she could hear Kim smile knowingly in the dark.

“This is Jane,” said Veronica.

Kim stepped forward, her blonde hair and white teeth catching the very last evening light. She held out her hand.

“Hi, Jane. I’m Kim,” replied her stepmom, taking the brunette’s hand lightly and shaking it.

Veronica’s heart leapt into her throat when she realized just how wet Jane’s hand must be from her pussy. She thanked the darkness for hiding the blush glowing on her cheeks.

“Wha—what are you doing out here?” It was miles from the house, and late.

“I go for a jog every night after your dad retires to his office to read. Gotta keep fit, ya know?”

A slight breeze picked up and Veronica caught the faint scent of Kim’s hair, her sweat-dewed body. It made the hunger inside her deepen, along with the strange shame she felt over her secret inner fantasy. The image flashed again, of Kim stepping from the pool with her hard nipples and sleek, tanned body.

“Do you want a ride back to the house?” asked Jane. “It’s getting late.”

“No, you girls take your time. I’m gonna jog back. See you there!”

They watched her disappear into the darkness, her red safety light pulsing in the blackness. A groan escaped Veronica as she palmed her face in embarrassment.

“Holy shit, I can’t believe that happened!”

“Don’t worry about it, Roni,” said Jane as she squeezed Veronica’s hand. “There’s no way she saw what was going on.”


Veronica climbed from the pool, the chilly water dripping down her body. She tugged at her borrowed bikini top, shifting the far-too-generous cups back and forth to cover her breasts. Kim had leant it to her, and it was made with her generous curves in mind.

Veronica tightened the straps, her mind vaguely aware of the fact that Kim’s big, soft nipples had pressed against the same fabric, that her sex had warmed the skimpy bottoms. Again, images and sensation from years ago crowded her mind, of Kim and her swimming in the dark, of their bodies brushing against each other in the warm night, igniting something inside her she never knew existed. She blushed and shook her head, trying unsuccessfully to rid herself of those thoughts.

That morning, Kim had greeted her with coffee and a smile. They stood in the kitchen, whispering as Jane and the baby, Brady, slept upstairs.

“Did you girls sleep okay last night?” asked Kim with a little smile.

“Yeah, we did. Jane’s still zonked.” Veronica sipped on her coffee, letting the hot liquid warm her tongue.

“I bet, poor girl. That’s a long drive.”

They’d chatted for a while, a warm current of energy passing back and forth between them. Veronica hadn’t remembered her new stepmom being so nice, so easy to talk to, and she was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was distance that made them so natural and easy together, or maybe it was freedom from Veronica’s ultra-conservative dad, who’d left for a week-long conference in Washington that morning.

“Roni…” said Kim with a questioning look on her face. “Are you and Jane, you know, more than friends?”

Veronica choked on her coffee and set it aside, coughing into her hand. Her mind raced. She wanted so badly to tell them, to tell them who she really was, but she was frightened. Her dad was so scarily conservative and Kim… well, Kim was a mystery. Just do it, she told herself as her heart thundered in her chest. Just tell her.

“No… well, yes. Kind of.”

Kim smiled an

d stroked her arm, raising goosebumps on her skin.

“I thought so,” she replied. “Don’t be scared, I won’t tell your dad until you’re ready to. I was in your position once, you know.”

The shock must have registered on Veronica’s face because Kim burst out laughing, her white teeth flashing.

“Don’t look so surprised! I did my fair share of experimenting in college. Well, it was more than just experimenting.”