I was utterly terrified. You just can't imagine what it was like having this monster fuck me from behind.

But I swear to you, I loved every bit of it. It was like nothing I could have ever imagined.

I hit a level of euphoria so high no drug on earth could have ever done that for me.

And then I could feel it beginning to happen. All this tension that had built up in me suddenly began to explode.

It was a massive explosion of pleasure centered right on my clit and went to my fingers and my toes and the hairs on my head!

And just as it started to happen, Daddy, too, exploded. Oh my God. The bullets of cum he shot inside of me. Thick mighty wads. Again and again.

How much cum could a man possibly shoot? My uterus was going to be overflowing with Daddy's seed!

Then Daddy grunted, and stopped. It was done.

We were both wet with sweat. I was panting. I realized Daddy was breathing pretty heavy, too.

Daddy's hand came down. He pet my ass. Like I'd been a good dog.

"I ain't never had a fuck like that!" He said.

At last he pulled his cock out. I leaned to one side, then let my back fall on the bed. I looked up at him.

He smiled down at me.

"If that don't get you pregnant, then I don't know what will." He said.

I rolled up my legs toward my chest. I wanted as little of his juices as possible to spill out of me.

"I'm gonna have your baby, Daddy." I said.

He smiled from ear to ear then.

"That's all I've wanted. For as long as I don't know when. Don't care if it's a boy or girl neither. Just want a critter of my own. You know?"

I smiled wickedly at him. There was no way to know, of course. But I tell you, I felt pregnant already.

I felt so good. But looking around, I remembered where I was. I remembered who I was with.

I used the best little girl voice I could muster.


"Yes, Sugarplum."

"What are we gonna tell Mommy?"

He shrugged. "Whatever you want, Sugarplum."

I thought about that.

"The way I see it," said Daddy. "You just saved our marriage."

I thought about that, too.

"What do you say, Sugarplum. Don't you think we make a nice little family?" Daddy asked.

And you know what? He was right!