Brat Scores a Gusher!

I slipped into Duke and Mommy's room. It was huge. The bed alone was vast. I'd never seen a bed like that!

I thought of Duke and Mommy on that bed. Duke pumping Mommy hard and wild.

I sighed. I hated Duke Payton. As far as I was concerned he was just one more in a long line of assholes.

"You can call me Daddy."

That's what Duke had told me at the wedding.

I wanted to say "Fuck you! I'm eighteen and you ain't my daddy."

But I didn't. I just smiled at him.

I didn't want to ruin my mom's big day. What would you have done?

But Duke was as obnoxious as they come. I just thought he was repulsive. He belched at dinner. He farted around the house.

He just didn't give a shit about nothing. And that was because he was rich. Probably one of the fucking richest people in the whole goddam world.

He spent years out in Alaska hunting for oil. Buying and selling worthless land. And then it had been the American dream. He hit a gusher big enough to solve a goddam energy crisis.

The fucking president pinned a medal of honor on him. One of our great Americans. Yeah and all that and he farts out loud when he feels like it.

What an asshole!

But it wasn't like he was bad looking. He had muscles. Jesus! Did he have muscles! And when I say he had muscles, I'm not talking about bodybuilder bullshit muscles.

He built his body up climbing mountains and working on oil rigs. He'd spent years out there in the worst possible conditions hunting for his fortune.

Duke even had scars. One right down the left side of his face. And one of his arms had a burn scar. That was from when he'd pulled a buddy out of a burning oil gusher.

But just put aside his muscles and his war wounds. He had a menacing face. Handsome yet scary. Rough and dangerous. Fuck, you meet a face like that in a dark place, you'd better run.

Then there were the eyes. Those eyes could see right through you! Right down to the depths of your soul.

I mean for an obnoxious asshole, I had no idea how he could have eyes like that. Big, dark brown eyes. And he sure as hell knew how to use them.

Call me Daddy. Ha. Fuck you, Daddy!

It had been my mom and me against the world for as long as I could remember. Now it was Duke this and Duke that. It was Duke all day long.

Well, I didn't care how rich he was. Duke was an asshole. I wanted to do anything I could to get back at him. Anything!

For starters I started going around the house without a bra. And I only wore tank tops. That and the shortest shorts I could find.


Because I wanted to show Mommy what an asshole Duke really was. I knew I'd catch his eye. I wanted to show Mommy the guy was no good!

But the thing is he never looked at me. Not that I caught him.

It wasn't like I wanted to compete with my mommy. But I was a lot prettier than her.

I didn't go anywhere without catching every boy's stare. You know what I mean? Everyone told me I ought to go to Hollywood and be an actress.

Like I'd ever wanna do that!

But either way, Duke never laid his eyes on me. No matter how hard I tried to get his attention. Go figure.

But despite it all, here I was in Mommy and Duke's room. What the hell was I doing?

Whatever it was, I figured I was safe. Mommy had gone into the city shopping. Duke was at work.

It felt strange though. Being in that room. It gave me the heebeegeebees.

I went to the bed. It was unmade. Naturally. Both Duke and Mommy were slobs. Then beside it, shit, I saw condom wrappers on the carpet.

Well that surprised me! All Duke talked about now was having kids. He wanted a whole warren.

But I guess Mommy felt she was too old for that. And she'd nearly died giving birth to me.

Fuck. Now it made sense!

The other night when I'd come home, the two of them had been having an awful fight. It was my mommy that had been screaming.

Duke had been mostly calm.

All I'd heard from him was, "just one. All I want is one. Can't you do that? You're my goddam wife!"

Shit. He wanted a baby, and my mommy wouldn't do it for him. Just as well.