When daddy would come home in the evenings I was always the first to greet him. I'd rush in on him and give him a great big hug.

When I was feeling naughty I'd twist so his hand would slide down on my rump. Daddy would always flush red when I did that. But I couldn't help but think he secretly relished the feel of my ass!

And I always planted a nice wet kiss on his cheek. I always lingered a little too long. I loved the smell of his cologne. He wore only the most expensive!

Daddy would always pat me on the head. He still treated me just like the little girl he used to know. We'd talk a few minutes. He'd ask me how school was. All the usual stuff.

Then he'd go to his chair and settle down. After dinner he always had work to do. Daddy ran a multi-national corporation. He was one of those evil one percenters. Heck he must have been in the one percent of the one percent.

All I knew is that we were disgustingly rich. But none of that really mattered to me. I just wanted to love Daddy. The way a woman loves a man. I wanted to fuck him!

I mean I'd never done it before. I'd had plenty of chances. But the problem was no boy was a match for Daddy!

As far as I was concerned all those preppy kids at the school Daddy sent me to were as boring as hell. They weren't real men at all. Just boys living off their family's money.

But my Daddy was a self-made man. He'd started with nothing. And now he was one of the richest men in the world!

And did I tell you how handsome he was? Goddammit, I loved that man!

Now I don't know what got into me one night. But I started spying on my Daddy.