The old woman reached for a pad. She scribbled some notes on it. Then, she repeated the question, word for word.
"You're at a movie theater. You look down and see a spider crawling up your arm. What do you do?"
"I don't know," I said. "I guess I'd scream and jump up. I'd try and flick it off me."
She nodded, scribbled down a few more notes. She looked back at me.
"You're sucking on a popsicle. Its flavor is strange, salty. You realize it's a cock, would you keep sucking?"
I blanched.
"Excuse me?" I nearly screamed. "What kind of question is that? And what was with that strange freakish test? Who the fuck are you people?"
It came out of no where. I started crying.
All I wanted was to meet the man in the shadows. Why did I have to go through all this?
The old woman sighed. From somewhere she found a box of tissues and handed them to me.
"This is a psychological test. We're profiling you. You want to lose your virginity to the right person, do you not?" She said.
"I want the man in the shadows. I want to lose my virginity to him. That's the only reason I came here," I said.
"Young lady, most nineteen-year-old virgins don't know what they want, okay?" She said.
She picked up my test and began to page through it. She alternated between shaking her head and nodding. At last, she let out a deep breath.
"Tell me about the man in the shadows," she said.
"I dream about him constantly," I
said. "He's the one I want, I know it."
She listened intently while I elaborated on my dream. I told her everything. I ended by telling her how sure I was that he was the one I wanted.
"But you don't even know who he is. What if he were a serial killer? Would you still want him then?" She asked.
"He wouldn't be," I said.
I blew my nose with one of the tissues. I looked around for a trash can. I couldn't find one.
The old woman managed to awkwardly get out of her tall chair. She shuffled over to me. She put a hand on one of mine. She looked up at me.
"I'm trying to help you, okay?" She said. "I know we're a bit casual around here. And we're unorthodox. But I think we can help you, okay?"
I looked at her eyes. She had such strange eyes. I couldn't read them at all. It unnerved me.
"You'll help me find the man in the shadows?" I asked.
She nodded.
"But I can't be responsible for who he turns out to be," she said. "Or what happens on your journey to meet him."
"I understand," I said.
"You don't. But you will," she said. "Now will you answer my questions?"
I dried the last bit of my tears. I wiped my eyes with the soggy tissue I was holding.