I need him to know I want everything from him… and I want it right now.

I slide my palms up his arms to his shoulders, then along his neck to his cheeks. His eyes bore into mine.

“I want you to fuck me, Clay. We’re making up for lost time, and I don’t want you holding a damn thing back from me.”

A long sigh comes out of his mouth as his forehead drops to mine. I worry that perhaps it was the wrong thing to say, but then he lifts his head and peers down at me. “I love you, Corinne. I’m not ever going to hold back from you.”

A feeling of such euphoria washes through me that I want to freeze this moment in time and stay like this forever. But then Clay’s moving inside me, and it’s everything I wanted it to be. Rough, raw, hard, and powerful. He unleashes all the emotions he’s kept pent up for nine long years, and he fucks me hard.

But I only beg him to go harder.

We kiss and grope, my fingernails biting into his ass as I urge him on. His teeth mark my skin, and he whispers filthy words to me.

It’s a side of Clay I didn’t know he had, but I’m damn sure glad he does. I suspect he might be feeling the same way as I chant, “More, more, more.”

There was no other way this was going to end—two people admitting long-held love coupled with no-holds-barred sex. Our orgasms hit us both out of the blue without warning and as if perfectly choreographed for a movie, at exactly the same time. My hips buck up from the bed at the same time as Clay drives me down hard, his weight and strength overpowering me. I cry out my release, my entire body shaking. Clay’s head falls back as he roars out his satisfaction.

Moments pass as we let the aftershocks pass through our bodies, then we’re on our sides with Clay’s arms wrapped tightly around me.

“Merry Christmas, Corinne,” he says before pressing a soft kiss to my temple.

“Merry Christmas, Clay,” I murmur in reply before my eyelids drift closed.



Corinne’s bed is set against the wall opposite the windows overlooking her backyard. She has fifteen acres, so no one else is around. It’s an incredibly scenic view as she quietly lays tucked into my side. Her index finger is making lazy trails through the hair on my chest, and fuck if her touch doesn’t feel good. Something so simple, yet so powerful.

“Any regrets creeping in?” she asks, and the question startles me as it breaks the silence.

I have to lean slightly to the left to look down, but she’s not tipping her head up to see me. It means she’s afraid of my answer.

With my fingers on her chin, I force her attention to me. “I told you I loved you, Corinne. Why would there be regrets?”

She shrugs, flashing a sheepish smile. “It’s just… well, sex can cause you to lose yourself. Everything seems great while you’re smack dab in the middle of it, but then after… people have regrets.”

“I know you fairly well,” I say, my tone curious. “But not so well as to know how you feel about spanking.”

Her chin jerks in, and she frowns in confusion. “Spanking?”

“Spanking,” I reiterate. “Like… if I were to put you over my knee and spank you for thinking I have regrets, would you like it, or would it teach you a lesson? And if you like it, well, we’ll put that on the agenda for a bit later after I recharge. If you don’t like it, then I will hope the lesson would be learned.”

As expected, Corinne laughs as she understands my point, and she looks cute as all get out as she does. “Okay… I’m sorry. It’s just we’ve taken a big step. We hopped over a nine-year time gap, and I just want to make sure you’re okay with everything.”

“I’m more than okay,” I assure her, bending so I can give her a light kiss. I then settle further onto the pillows, taking her with me. When I turn on my side, she does the same, so we’re staring at each other. “I heard what you said. And I’m going to accept it. If you tell me not to recriminate myself, I’m not going to because, honestly, I just want to be with you, and you’ve given that to me.”

“We have so much time to make up for,” she says with a sigh.

“Nine years is a long time. I want to know everything you’ve been doing.”

“It would take all day to tell you.”

I tap my finger on the tip of her nose. “Give me the CliffsNotes version.”

“Well, let’s see,” she muses, tucking her hand under her pillow. “You know I finished medical school, and I went into a psychiatry residency program in Washington, D.C. From there, it just seemed natural to stay in the area. I liked the bustle of the city and all the things to do. So I went into private practice there.”