His eyes move past mine. Blankly, he stares beyond me.

“I know the alibi was faulty, and that it wasn’t figured out until after he was caught. Just as I know my identification of him was what sealed his fate. I played an important role in his arrest and sentencing. Yes, I lost my parents in the process, but I look at the good that came out of me being there. I saw him. I was your only eyewitness, and that fact stopped evil in its tracks so he couldn’t harm anyone else.”

“You’re still not getting it—”

“I am,” I say, cutting him off. Once again, I reach out to put my hand on his knee. “But you have got to stop feeling guilty for not being able to do something within the constraints of the law. You took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and that includes due process. Even Katz deserved that protection. You would have hated yourself if you had planted evidence.”

“I would have never even thought of such a thing if it wasn’t for you,” he murmurs.

And this, I understand. This, I realize, is the crux of it. It was only after getting to know me after my parents’ deaths that he tried to think of other things he should have done. But he and I both know the truth… he would never have done it.

“Your guilt is misplaced,” I assure him.

“No,” he says harshly, which surprises me. “It’s compounded because it’s you, Corinne. I’ve never felt this way for any other victim’s family before. I feel bad for shortcomings or mistakes, but I’ve always been able to move on. I’ve never been able to move on from this because the more I got to know you, the more I cared for you on a level that wasn’t at all professional.”

“Now that is something I fully understand,” I assure him. “I truly get what’s going on inside that head and heart of yours. But I’m begging you to let it go because I don’t have one single negative thought about you. I think you’re an amazing FBI agent, that you saved countless future lives with your incredible investigation of Katz, and I will always—and I mean until the day I die—consider you to be my hero.”

Clay’s eyes round. He swallows hard, his expression resembling someone who had just been smacked in the side of the head with a two-by-four. His confusion is palpable, and I can see his struggle as he tries to accept my words.

I can also see how easy it would be for him to dismiss them.

So before he can try to rationalize his way out of this or put me off any further, I decide to make a bold move.

I rise from the couch, then crawl right onto his lap. He adjusts, dropping the leg that was propped up to the floor to make room for me as I turn sideways. Curling into him, I lay my head on his chest. I sigh in relief as his arms finally come around me.

“Clay,” I whisper, ready to reveal my best card. “I loved you back then. When I kissed you in that bar, I loved you completely. You broke my heart when you walked away. But want to know a secret?”

His voice is clogged with emotion. “What’s that?”

“I still love you. Always have. And I want a chance with you.”

I’m surprised when his hand comes to my face, his fingers gripping my chin. He forces my head up and off his chest so he can peer down at me.

He searches my face, apparently needing to read what’s in my eyes to see if they match my words.

Whatever he sees must satisfy him because the next thing I know, his mouth is on mine and he’s kissing me the way I always dreamed he would.



I wrap my arms around Clay’s neck, fearing he’ll suddenly pull away. While I hope my words have penetrated and he’s taking me at face value over the fact he has nothing to be ashamed about over how he handled the Katz case, I’m not going to take the chance that his brain might start battling his heart.

And other parts of him that I can feel start to react to our kiss.

“Corinne,” he whispers into my mouth. I can’t tell by the tone of his voice why he might want to stop kissing and start talking, but I’m not going to let that happen.

Pulling my lips back just enough to say, “Shh,” I quickly bolt up from where I was lying sideways on his lap and move until I’m straddling him. I hover over his face for just a moment before putting my mouth back on his and deepening the kiss.

He is effectively silenced.

His hands come to my hips, briefly digging in before sliding to my ass. I’m wearing only a pair of soft leggings under a thin tunic, and the heat from his touch slams into me. When his tongue touches mine, we both moan.