“I can’t believe this fucker hasn’t been taken out already. Has he got lady luck on his side, or something?” Renzo asked.

He had something on his side, but it wasn’t lady luck. Whatever kept Lastra alive, that was going to end tonight.

Pushing his foot on the gas, he drove through the streets and was about to head to Lastra’s property when his cell phone rang.

He handed it to Renzo. “Take that.”

Renzo turned the speakerphone on and in the next second, he heard his father.

“Klaus, you have to turn around.”

“What?” He pressed on the brake, bringing his car to an abrupt stop.

“I heard the news, Klaus. I’m so sorry.”

“What news?”

“About Bella. The entire outfit knows.”

Klaus looked at Renzo and shook his head. “Dad, Bella’s not dead. She’s very much alive and she’s back home.”

“You cannot kill Carmello Lastra. I know you too well. That’s exactly where you’re heading, isn’t it?”

This wasn’t the information he wanted to hear right now. All he wanted to do was kill the son of a bitch who thought he could take out his wife.

“Dad, I don’t have time for this.”

“Why can’t he kill him?” Renzo asked.

“Renzo, you’re with him?”

“I was with him after his home was attacked. He’s gone too far. Lastra has to die. There’s no other way.”

Klaus listened to the stretch of silence on the phone.

“Look, I know you think you’re doing the right thing and you’re well within your right, but what you need to do is be smart about this.”

“Smart?” Klaus asked. “The fucker put a hit out on our name. You expect me to play it smart?”

“I expect you to play it exactly how it’s meant to be. You know the games that need to be played. You take Lastra out tonight, it will be your head tomorrow, and Bella will be put on the block to be sold. Seeing as you acted without authority, her life will be hell. Do you want that?”

Klaus gritted his teeth, so fucking pissed off. “I am well within my rights. This is my wife we’re talking about.”

“And there is an order, Klaus. A hierarchy. You know this. You think Lastra isn’t waiting for you? You think he doesn’t know you’re coming? What he doesn’t know is your wife is very much alive. Let me make some calls. I can make this work for you.”

With all the troubles his father had caused him, he failed to see how the man could now begin to make this easier for him. He’d been the one cleaning up his father’s messes.

“I can do this,” Klaus said.

“No. That’s an order. I know you don’t think I can handle this, but let me show you that I can. I’m not out of the picture yet and I have no intention of bowing out yet. You want your revenge? Do it when you can come out the victor. Don’t put your life and your wife’s life in jeopardy.”

“I’ll think about it.” Klaus took the cell phone from Renzo and turned it off. “Fuck!” He slammed his fist against the steering wheel.

“It’s good we don’t like this car,” Renzo said.

“I’ve got to kill him.”

“I know.”

“I can’t let this slide.”

“I know.”

“Will you stop saying you fucking know?” he yelled at the top of his voice. Renzo merely smiled. “I will shoot you in the fucking face.”

“Good for you, but it’s not going to stop what you need to do. If you didn’t believe Dad, we’d be in Lastra’s house right now, making him pay. We’re not. We’re here, waiting. You know Dad is right. There are always two ways to do this. One puts you on top. Don’t you want that?”

Klaus rubbed at his temples. He needed a level head, but it wasn’t something he was known for. Killing and asking questions later was usually his MO.

“I suggest you go home and fuck your wife. Let Dad handle this, and then you’ll get to exact your revenge. With Lastra believing she’s dead, for the next few days, you’re all safe.”

“I don’t give a fuck about myself.”

“This won’t make you a coward. You’ll still be considered one of the strongest men around. People will still fear you.”

“They believe I let my wife die.”

“And you’ll have to live with it for all of two minutes,” Renzo said. “Think.”

“I don’t want to fucking think. I want to kill.”

“Go and fuck. Go make babies. I’m sure Isabella would rather you be home fucking her than out here killing her father. There is a time and place. You know it. It’s why we’re here right now, talking.”

“I hate these bullshit politics.”

“Look, Klaus, I’m with you no matter what. You want to go in there, kill Lastra, I’m right here on your side. If you don’t, and you want to wait, I’m on your side. I’ll protect Isabella for as long as I can, but you know when the outfit makes a decision…”