Well, this had backfired.

At least I’d grabbed my purse. I’d ruined my makeup with splashing water on my face, and I was now thankful for the fact I kept wipes in my purse at all times. With little care, I scrubbed my face clean of all traces of makeup and tossed the dirty wipes in the little metal trashcan in the corner.

Cora came out right as I’d done that and washed her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Perfectly fine. I have some aspirin in my purse. Thanks.”

“Okay.” She smiled way too brightly and left me alone.

I sagged against the wall.

Kinsley had been right.

She was perfect for Colton.

Don’t ask me how I knew. I just did.

The door opened again, and I barely had the energy to look up, but I did.


“Go on, then.”

“Go on, what?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

I threw my arm out. “Let me hear it.”

Saylor shook her head and walked over to me. She pulled me off the wall and into her arms to hug me tightly.

It was a hug I was more than a little grateful for.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, and she held me for a good couple of minutes before she pulled back.

“You okay?”

“Not really.” I looked down at the floor. “I think I’m just going to head home.”

“Want me to come with you?”

“Only if you promise not to mention his name, tell me I need to tell him how I feel, or ask me anything at all about him.”

“Done.” She nudged me. “Shall we get ice cream on the way? I’m still hungry.”

I smiled. “Oh, yeah. We’re going to down our drinks then get the biggest ice creams ever.”



ME: I need to cancel tonight.

I put my phone down and turned back to the design I was working on. Seb had approved the fliers and sent me all the info, so I was working on pulling those together for him.

And my text message was the first step to ending this charade between me and Colton.

As much as there was a part of me that wanted him to come, my brain knew it was a bad idea.

It was time to draw the line.

If I could do that, I could move on.


The message lit up my phone screen, and I reached for the phone to reply.

ME: Just do. I have other plans.

COLTON: You made other plans after we said we’d meet?

ME: I thought I’d texted you and canceled but I hadn’t. Sorry.

When his reply didn’t come quickly, I knew I’d pissed him off.

I also knew how very hypocritical I was being. Just one week ago I’d told him that he didn’t have a right to know anything about my dating life, and here I was, throwing a hissy about his dating life.

At least I could admit I had a problem.

That I was the problem.

That’s it.

It was me.

I was the problem.



He was mad at me.

I sat back in my chair. I was kinda mad at me, too. Now I was going to break this off without even getting one last time with him. Oh, well.

It was for the best.

My Friday night would be spent with London and two guys she’d found yesterday. I’d been talking to Max all day, and he was a nice guy. We had a lot in common, and he was a chef.

This was a bonus.

He liked to cook; I liked to eat.


I was cutting this thing with Colton off at the knees and that was that.

COLTON: I’ll call Cora.

I swallowed. That was a low blow, even if he didn’t mean it.

ME: You do that. I’ll be with Max.

COLTON: Who’s Max?

ME: None of your business, remember?

COLTON: It’s like that again, huh.

ME: Yes, it’s like that.

COLTON: Are you trying to piss me off?

ME: I don’t usually have to work this hard.

COLTON: No, you’re right. You have pissed me off. Thanks, Tori.

ME: Anytime. Don’t show up here on the off chance I’ll let you in. I probably won’t be alone.

COLTON: Then you sure as hell shouldn’t come to my place, because I guarantee I won’t be alone.

ME: Good.


ME: Fine.

I put the phone down and looked away from it. How childish was I? Why had I even said that?

No, I knew.

It was easier to push him away and let this stop naturally than it was to outright say the words.

I wasn’t even an adult, was I? I was a teenager in an adult’s body. I had no idea who let me do this.

ME: We can’t do this anymore.

There. I’d said it.

I was being an adult.

COLTON: Do what?

ME: Hook up.

COLTON: Right.

ME: You’re dating. I’m dating. It just doesn’t work. It feels dishonest.


Grr. I hated it when he just said that.

ME: Is that it? Ok?

COLTON: What else do you want me to say to you, Tori? If that’s what you want, then I respect that. It’s over. We won’t hook up anymore.