“I can’t imagine.” I looked into my cup.

“You can ask, you know.”

“Ask what?”

“Where his dad is. It’s not some wild and dramatic story.”

“It’s none of my business,” I said, looking at her. “That’s your story to tell.”

“It just didn’t work. He moved to the city to work when we broke up two years ago. I was too far from my family and wanted to move back. I’m only twenty minutes further away than I was before, but he understands. He’s actually coming to get him next weekend. He’s a great guy and great dad.”

“I’m glad. Leo’s seriously the funniest kid I’ve ever met, and I’m glad he has you. And now his family.”

“Yeah, even though my mom isn’t here, it’s worth it. Aunt Jasmine and Uncle Simon are basically like my parents anyway, and Ivy and Holley are the best. Having friends like all you guys doesn’t hurt either.”

“Well, I’m not great with kids, but if you ever need someone to take Leo to the park and play ball or take him to Seb’s and make someone there do it, let me know.”

She smiled, glancing down for a moment before she met my eyes. “That’s sweet, Colton. Thank you. I can see why Tori likes you so much. You’re not half as bad as she once told me you were.”

“I’m sure she’s told you a lot of bad things, but I can assure you, none of them are true.”

“Did you really punch Josh when you found out he and Kinsley were dating?”

“Not all of them are true,” I said slowly.

London nudged me. “I probably would have done the same.”

See? It clearly hadn’t been that irrational at all.

“What’s this I hear about you sleeping with my granddaughter?” Agatha marched into the room with the waistband of her yoga pants so high I was surprised they weren’t stretched over her head. “Explain yourself.”

“I am in a relationship with your granddaughter,” I said slowly.

“Did you ask my permission?”

“I’m dating her, Agatha. I haven’t asked her to marry me.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s been five days.”

“Oh.” She stopped and looked at me. “Well, if you marry her, you tell me first. Before her.”

“Haven’t really thought that far ahead.”

“Well, start thinking. Neither of you are getting any younger.” With that final word, she hobbled out, leaving me and London alone once again.

Neither of us said a word for a moment.

“If you tell me you missed this place, I might cry,” I muttered.

She laughed.

But she didn’t say it.

And thank God for that.


rule fifteen: crazy people say crazy things.

Two Weeks Later

“I think I want chickens.”

I almost spat my drink over my dinner. “I’m sorry, what?”

Colton looked at my plate then at me. “Is it that crazy?”

“Yes. There are twenty at the senior home. Go there instead.”

“I have enough room. I could get a few.”

“If you get chickens, then so help me, I will bring my cat around to sort them out.”

“That’s cruel. Gen wouldn’t hurt my chickens.”

“You’re right, she wouldn’t, but I would. Why do you want chickens? What’s wrong with you?”

Colton laughed and leaned forward. “Come on. Even you said the fluffy one was cute.”

“It was cute. At the senior home. Not here. You won’t even let me bring Gen here so I can stay the night. Why would I think you getting chickens is a bad idea? At least cats are clean. Chickens just poop wherever they want.”

“But they give you eggs.”

“Cats give you unconditional judgement. Tell me that’s not as good as eggs.”

“I can see we’ve reached an impasse.”

“And we’re not bickering. It’s a shame. I miss bickering with you.” I sighed and reached for my wine glass. “It’s like losing a friend.”

“Ah, but you have me now.” Colton got up and walked around the table to me. “Are you done?”


“You’re done.”

“I’m not done.”

He yanked my chair out and pulled me to my feet, tugging me right into his body. I squealed and fell against him, quite literally, until he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

Kissing him still felt like Christmas morning—magic and excitement and a pure adrenaline rush.

It was a feeling I hoped I would never lose.

I slid my arms up around his neck and plastered my body against his. In a split second I forgot that I was hungry. All I wanted was him, and a shiver ran down my spine as he kissed me so deeply I wasn’t sure I knew my own name.

I never thought I’d say I loved being around Colton, but here I was.

Loving it.

Loving him.

He slipped his hands up under my dress, lifting the hem above my hips. I knew where this was going, and I didn’t mind a bit. In fact, I was more than ready for it, and I kissed him harder so he knew.

Having sex on tap was definitely the best part about dating Colton.