Tori nodded. “I get that. Kids should have a yard and a driveway and a puppy.”

“Pretty much. It was a sticking point and ultimately the wedge that made me realize I just didn’t love her anymore.”

She smiled sadly at me. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. If it hadn’t have happened, we’d have gotten married, had kids, and divorced within ten years.” I met her eyes. “And I wouldn’t be here right now with my girlfriend of forty-eight hours asking me if I’ve thought about having kids.”

She blushed. “We haven’t discussed that, and it was just a flippant question. People discuss that on first dates, you know.”

“You’re my girlfriend. Deal with it.” I squeezed her ankle with a grin. “I’m only messing with you. I’m glad you’ve asked. I’m thirty. I don’t have time to mess around with someone who doesn’t want what I want.”

“Ironic, given that for the past six months we’ve had a no-strings-attached sexual relationship.”

“Ah, but you were on board with that, so it counts.”

“Semantics.” She paused. “So you do want kids?”

“Do you?”

“I asked first.”

“Yes,” I replied honestly. “I do. When the time is right. And you?”

Shit, why was I afraid of that answer?

Because if she didn’t, it would change things?

It would. It would change things if she didn’t want kids. Despite my sister’s asinine assertations that I hated kids, I didn’t. I loved kids.

I just… didn’t like them very much.

Other people’s kids, that was.

I was almost certain I’d like mine just fine. Until they were teenagers, then all bets were off.

“I do,” Tori answered, looking almost dreamily out of the window. “Two boys, because God knows the world has enough me to deal with a mini one.”

“Amen to that.”


I grabbed her hand and brought her fingers to my lips while trying not to laugh. She was pouting in the way she did when she was pretending that she was mad but wasn’t actually annoyed.

It was cute.

“You’re not mad. Stop it.”

She dropped the act and sat up straight. “You were supposed to say that the world would be a better place with more of me in it.”

“I can’t lie to you. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“Colton!” She reached over to hit me, but I caught her and pulled her instead. I shifted myself up a few inches until she was almost sitting on my lap with her thighs resting over mine, then I pulled her into me.

She feigned a fight but gave in, resting her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around her to lock her in place.

I couldn’t fucking believe we were here.

That she’d roped me into babysitting.

That neither of us had tried to murder the other yet.

“How do you see your future?” I asked, linking my fingers together at her waist.

I felt her brow furrow. “What do you mean?”

“House or apartment? Do you think you’ll still be doing what you do? Do you think Genevieve would ever accept a puppy for a housemate?”

Her shoulders shook. “There’s no chance Gen would ever accept a dog. She barely accepts me and I’m the one who feeds her and houses her and loves her.”

“That’s very true,” I agreed. “It’s a little alarming how much she hates everyone.”

“Yeah, but she’s basically a marshmallow, so it’s a bit of a moot point.” She sighed. “I guess a house over an apartment,” Tori continued. “And I can’t imagine not doing what I do now. It’s flexible, it’s fun, it’s stressful at times, sure, but so is every job.”

“Makes sense.”

“What about you?”

“The house is a given,” I replied. “I don’t know if it’s where I see myself living forever. Depends if my sister moves in with Josh after he proposes.”

Tori gasped.

“Forget that,” I said quickly. “I didn’t say that.”

“You said that!”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Colton!” She grabbed my t-shirt and leaned in. “You can’t not tell me now.”

Oh, shit.

I was in trouble.

“You can’t say a thing to Kinsley.”

“I would never.”

I stared at her for a moment. “I don’t believe you.”

“Okay, about stupid stuff, yeah, but not about this. Tell me!”

“There’s not a lot to tell. He’s trying to figure out how to propose to her and is overthinking it. It might actually help to have you to talk to. He’s just talking himself in circles at this point.”

“That’s exciting!”

“Is it? Isn’t it just another day where I have to wear a stupid suit? But this time have to be in all the pictures?”

Tori swatted at my chest. “Basically, but if you ask me nicely, I’ll be your date.”

My lips pulled to one side. “I’ll have to circle back to that.”


“The worst.” I leaned in and kissed her, gently nibbling at her lower lip. “You know, it’s really inconvenient there’s a baby here.”

“And that it’s not our house,” she responded. “And it would be highly inappropriate to do anything like that here.”

“Very true.” I pulled back from her. “Did you say dinner was paid for?”