
“You sitting in my lap complimenting my car is murder on my dick, honey.”

Her radiance pulsed, pink rising on the back of her neck. Tucker watched the progress of her flush the way a man with a million-dollar bet on the line watches a horse race. “Well maybe you should do something about it,” she breathed.

Tucker wrapped her long red hair in a fist, winding until her head tipped back to face the ceiling. “Are you backing out of the game?”

“No.” She let a stuttered breath in and out. “What do you want if you win?”

He was hard pressed to think of a single thing he wanted and didn’t already have at that exact moment. “How about a slow dance?”

“A slow dance,” she repeated, as if saying the words for the very first time. “I don’t know how.”

“Neither do I.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We’ll just keep dancing until we get it right, I guess.”

She wrinkled her nose. “No fair. Now I kind of want you to win.”

“My evil plan is working.”

Tucker didn’t know how long they stayed in the basement, in the glow of the candle, playing Jenga. Time didn’t exist. There was only the quiet taps and slides of the wooden pieces, Mary’s exhales of relief when another rectangle had been successfully freed. The erratic beating of both their hearts. Not that he’d read the directions for Jenga in at least two decades, but he was damn certain the game wasn’t supposed to be erotic. And yet, the gentle movements of his mate’s graceful fingers made his briefs feel like a prison.

The tower started to teeter, sections of the stacked wood twisting precariously, but on they played, neither one of them seeming to notice how close they were to destruction. It was hard to think of anything but the restless shifts of Mary’s bottom in his lap, the glide of his lips up the side of her neck, the length of red hair he kept tightly fisted.

“Who is distracting who?” Mary moaned quietly, tilting her head to allow an open-mouthed skate of Tucker’s lips that finished at her ear.

“You are distracting me,” he insisted.

Her laugh came out sounding dazed, her hips tweaking back. “No. It’s definitely the other way around. I’m sure of it.”

“You must really want to drive my Impala.”

She turned slightly so Tucker could see her face, sinking her teeth into the soft pillow of her bottom lip. In an innocently seductive voice, she said, “Did I mention it purrs like a lion?”

They knocked the remaining Jenga pieces over in their haste to get at one another’s mouths. Tucker surged forward with a growl at the same time Mary tried to face him, sending them falling onto the temporary cardboard table. Laughter and gasps made up the soundtrack to hands racing to sweep wooden blocks onto the floor, mouths colliding, female legs locking around bulky male hips. Panties were ripped free and discarded on the floor, nimble fingers tugging impatiently on the drawstring of his sweatpants.

“I guess neither one of us wins,” Mary sobbed against his mouth.

“Are you sure about that?” Foreheads pressed together, he looked Mary in the eye and filled her with his cock, stamping his mouth down on top of hers to catch the resulting cry. “Feels like I definitely won,” he grated, pulling back and taking a second mind bending thrust.

Mary tensed around him so suddenly, he thought she was already having an orgasm, until she tapped her row of fingers against his face. “I-I think I left the door open at the top of the stairs.”

And his father was home.

Jesus, how could he forget they weren’t alone in the house?

Stopping mid-frenzy resulted in a painful clench in his lower body, but he managed to stand while still inside his mate, sweatpants around his ankles, and stumble to the part of the basement that wasn’t visible from the top of the stairs. A shadowed corner. Allowing himself deep, greedy kisses from her soft mouth, Tucker propped a hand on the cinderblock wall, the other supporting her backside and pumped into the excessively tight warmth between Mary’s legs, bouncing her with quick upward drives. Bringing her up and slapping her down, their tongues twined together, her nipples cutting a delicious path through his chest hair with each of the frantic movements.

“Goddammit, you sweet little fairy. My fairy. Did you enjoy teasing me with that lap dance? Did you feel how thick it was getting and wet right up?” He peeled back his lips, and even though she couldn’t see his fangs, she must have sensed they were now filling his mouth, because her pussy constricted around him, a whimper of eagerness filling the darkness. “Knowing how bad you want it pumping inside you makes me so fucking hot.”

“I need it. I needed it before I even knew how good it could feel.” Her thighs writhed on his hip bones, flesh on bare flesh, rough against smooth. “Bite my neck,” she ordered in a grinding sob, teeth clenched. “Take my neck.”