Roksana ignored the ridiculous flutter of feminine pleasure and jumped to her feet, swaying a little bit over the loss of blood. Perhaps later, when no one was around, she would press a secret smile into her pillow—she’d induced a man to make fire—but right now, she had a job to do. “I’m going to go find some marshmallows and coat hangers,” she called, skirting past Elias, weaving through the enflamed fae and Tucker. Extremely aware of the need to hurry, she hopped onto the banister and slid down to the main floor, hitting the ground running and heading for the stairs leading down to the basement.

“Roksana,” Elias boomed, causing the overhead chandelier to shake, along with the floor. “You are not going anywhere without me.”

Her steps faltered on the marble floor, a dark, twisting yearning cropping up in her belly. Elias could no longer live without her. Was she really going to run away from him?


Yes, because what was her other option?

Become her enemy’s permanent meal?

On the way down the stairs, her hand stole to her neck, noting the bite marks already seemed to be fading. Despite her self-recriminations over what she’d done, syrupy heat wound through her nervous system remembering the desperation in Elias’s bite. How needed she’d felt. How complete. How she’d never wanted it to end.

I shouldn’t have given in. Now I know.

Now she was aware of the deep mutual fulfillment. Would she ever stop needing it?

Needing him?

Ignoring the creeping desolation, Roksana paused at the bottom of the staircase, listening for voices. Surveying her surroundings and taking stock of potential challenges in her quest to retrieve the marriage decree. Fae Twin Number One still sat at the poker table, head in hands. Mourning his lost brother? Her fellow slayer and the other twin had been removed to God knew where. Tucker was upstairs with Elias—although not for long. They could move at the speed of light so she needed to be quick. Not to mention, the smell of smoke and ash was already reaching the basement. Get what you need and get out.

A too-casual humming noise approached, tilting Roksana’s head.

Cosette approached.

An air of malice and grief and rage preceded her.

It appeared their friendship would be a short-lived one.

Gripping the top of the doorframe, Roksana swung into the basement feet-out, blocking the blow from an axe. The sharp edge took sliced off an inch of her sole.

Good thing she’d hung onto Elias’s credit card. She’d need a new pair of boots.

“Where is the man of the house?” shrieked the fairy, her eyes swimming with glittering crimson. “What have you done to him? To my home?”

The fairy levered the axe back and brought it down hard. Roksana remained in place as long as possible, before feinting left to dodge the blow, smashing a knee into the fairy’s nose. “Thanks for letting me borrow the dress,” Roksana said, delivering a savage elbow to the back of her opponent’s head, dropping her to the floor unconscious. “I’ll have it dry-cleaned.”

Not waiting so much as a beat, Roksana vaulted over the fairy’s slumped figure.

She snatched up the marriage decree from the center of the poker table and tucked it into the bodice of her dress, dashing back up the stairs two at a time. With the ceiling above fully engulfed in flames now, she sprinted through the luxurious foyer and threw open the front door.

It slammed shut, the hinges rattling violently.

Roksana whipped around and plastered her back against the door, her skin quivering with the awareness that Elias was right behind her. And he was, but this vampire was eminently more powerful than she’d ever seen him. Despite calling on every ounce of her common sense, she couldn’t help marveling over the amber fire illuminating his eyes, the rippling swell of his muscles, the possessiveness which was a presence unto itself…and knowing she was responsible.

A hot shudder cascaded down her spine, her body demanding she remain in his presence, but her mind compelled her to shake the door handle, attempting to free herself.

“The sun will be up soon,” she blurted. “You can’t follow me or you’ll die.”

“I will always follow you.”

Badump, badump, badump. Could she…hear his heart pounding? His heart. Lifting her chin, Roksana tried not to let him see how badly that resurgence of his past humanity made her want to weep and celebrate. “You have no choice but to follow me, da? I’m your mate.”

“I’d have followed you either way. I have always followed you and I always will.” He jabbed a finger in the air. “Do not pretend to think otherwise.”

“Please keep these sentiments to yourself,” she whispered, shaken. “True or not, they hinder my judgment.”

Elias’s nostrils flared. “They make you question if I’m still your enemy?”

“Nothing can question that,” she said hoarsely. “You didn’t even tell me you would be here tonight. No doubt you are working against me.”