“You’re a virgin,” he choked out into her neck. “Goddammit, Roks, am I hurting you?”

“A little.” She shifted her hips experimentally and he made a guttural, open-mouthed sound into the crook of her neck. “But I am used to pain, vampire.”

“Not from me.” His tone was vehement. “Not physically.”

If she found his statement odd, she was too wrapped up in the rush of endorphins to examine it too closely. “It is a good pain.” She squeezed him with her inner walls, whimpering when he swelled thicker inside of her, his abs jolting and flexing. “It’s the kind that l-leads to reward, is it not?”

“Yes.” He pressed his forehead down on hers, enthralling her with eyes that were slowly turning from black to gold, a glow increasing in their depths. “You’re going to get a reward all right. Just keep your thighs open and that pussy tight.”

His bad language made her flesh spasm around his shaft and they both groaned, Elias starting to rock his hips, lips peeling back to reveal the full, dangerous size of his fangs. “After all the taunting.” He thrust roughly and she cried out. “Flaunting ex-boyfriends.” Another merciless pump that rattled her teeth. “And threatening to date…” Pound pound pound. “You’re just an innocent, little tease. Aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, exhilaration tickling her nerves endings. Who knew she would like being chastised so much? Lord, she did, though. She loved him calling her on the head games she’d played. Loved being sensually punished for them, one plunder of her body at a time. Loved the hard smack of his muscle, the quiver of her feminine flesh in response, the way her body stretched to acclimate to him. “Big,” she babbled, head tossing side to side. “You’re so big.”

The pace of his drives sped up, their eyes locked on one another. “I’m the right size for Roksana. That’s all I care about.” He reached down and squeezed her hip with blatant ownership, before walking his fingers to the place where their bodies joined, finding her clit with the pad of his middle finger and rubbing it in circles. “God help me, that pulse of yours is driving me insane. I don’t know how I’ve existed at all without tasting you.”

Knowing the moment drew close, Roksana’s sex constricted and she lost her ability to breathe. All she could do was turn her head to one side and beg incoherently for the act she didn’t understand, had no experience with, but somehow was essential. “Need it, need it.”

Elias flattened his tongue on her pulse, his body never ceasing in its deliberate invasion of hers, his hips pumping madly as his fangs settled over her neck, pressing tight, but holding back from breaking the skin. “My hunger for you goes so far beyond blood, Roksana. But it flows in the same endless way. You hear me?” Eyes a bright, burnished gold, he kissed her pulse reverently. “Mine.”

His fangs sank deep and paralysis locked her limbs, but somehow, she’d never felt more. A rush of dizziness fogged her mind, pleasure dug silken claws into her loins. She burned to wrap her body around Elias and hold him fast, but she was immobile, save the thundering of her heart. How could it not beat out of control when he feasted on her neck as if he’d just discovered his favorite flavor, moaning loud enough to make her ears ring. One of his hands cradled her cheek, the other balanced him on the ground, and pull, after pull, after pull of her blood made him wild, made him take her roughly, their bodies straining on the floor of the hallway—

A muffled boom brought Elias’s head up.

Another one had him clutching at his chest. Her world had already narrowed itself down to him, but now it was nothing but a cocoon holding them both, connecting them through the sudden change. Something blossomed inside of her in that moment fossilized in time, the gravity of what the loud beating meant drawing an awed sob from her mouth.

“Roksana,” he heaved, a shudder wracking him. “My heart is beating.” Wonder and gratitude crossed his handsome face. “You are my mate.”

She should have been reeling. Screaming.

Or denying it, despite the obvious truth.

But she could only think back to the first time she’d met him in that Vegas casino, how fate seemed to be propelling them from one minute into the next with an invisible hand, and a voice whispered in the back of her mind human or vampire, you knew you were his mate.

Like a key turning in a lock, a sense of purpose fit into place inside of her and she could only follow instinct. Please him. Give this to him. With greedy hands, she reached down to grip his hard buttocks, hauling him back into motion. “Don’t stop, don’t stop…”