His laughter was pained. “Kissing you won’t inspire me to go slow.”

“Look at me.” She stroked the side of his face. “Look at me.”

He pressed their foreheads together and sipped at her mouth cautiously. Their tongues met in a fleeting caress, just a touch, but he groaned like he’d been burned. Ginny slipped her fingers into his hair, scratching her nails along his scalp and let their mouths mate in a slow, rhythmic way that made her sex hot and needy. But she remained still, being seduced all over again by the restrained passion of his kiss, until she was finally rewarded by Jonas dropping his hips into the cradle of her thighs, the denim friction forcing her to trap a cry in her throat.

Jonas kept their mouths poised mid-kiss and reached down to unzip his pants, everything, everything balancing on a razor’s edge. Their eyes locked and remained that way while he drew out his shaft in a fist, cursing as it brushed her damp femininity. “I want to know if you’re hurting, love…” His jaw tightened to the point of near shatter. “But I also worry if you cry out in pain, my soul will leave my fucking body.”

She shook her head. “This is inevitable, remember?”


“Then trust it.”

Affection, surrender, lust, moved in waves across his features. He fused their mouths together and trailed a hand down, down between their bodies, taking hold of himself and dragging the thick head side to side at her entrance. “Christ be with me, please. Hold me back,” he gritted out, before surging his hips forward and planting every hard inch of himself inside her.

His animal growl almost deafened Ginny, but she was thankful for it, because it drowned out her shocked whimper.

Pain pricked holes in the euphoria his mouth had bestowed. But the buzz of cradling his sex within her body was a thrill that dulled the edges of her hurt. She let her neck muscles loosen, let her lids drift down and reveled in the knowledge of what he felt like inside of her, huge and uncompromising. Male.

“Mate,” she whispered.

Jonas’s lust-fogged eyes found Ginny’s and she let him see her full comprehension of every facet of that word. Not only would she sustain his life, she would feed his soul—and he would do the same for her. Endlessly.

The wordless communication passed between them on the wings of velvet, sealing their fate in the history books and Jonas started to rock, his teeth bared, neck muscles straining. And the pain was no more, compared to her soaked welcome of this man’s flesh. This man whom she loved.

“Mate,” he croaked into her neck, his movements turning more and more frantic, his hips pumping and colliding with her eager ones. “My only. My only. Take me as deep as you can stand.”

“Give it to me. I can stand it all.”

“Ginny,” he warned, then, brokenly. “Oh, fuck, Ginny.”

The lamp on her bedside table popped and sizzled. In her periphery, she swore the lights on the Coney Island skyline dulled and brightened to a higher setting, but she could comprehend nothing more than that. Not with Jonas’s mouth clamping down over hers in ownership, his hands scooping beneath her bottom and holding it securely in place as his pace kicked into a frenzy.

“So much squirming. Keep your tight pussy right where it is, love, or I’ll think you’re trying to take it away from me. We can’t have that.”

Oh Lord. Oh Lord.

Completion summoned her closer, brought on by Jonas’s lack of control. She liked it. No, she loved it. The breakneck speed of him mating her, his grunts of her name, the good, honest sweat he built on her body.

She conformed the arch of her feet to his hips and listened to the resulting string of profanities in her hair. They were a glorious hymn and she wanted to memorize them and sing them out loud, all day, every day, proof she was this man’s salvation and poison in equal measure.

“Look at you, moaning and trying to get your legs wider for me when you ought to be terrified. Beautiful, reckless girl.”

Jonas changed angles, bearing down on her clitoris with rough grinds of his shaft and Ginny’s romantic haze was blown apart by all-out lust. Her back arched on a moan and the green in Jonas’s eyes whipped, holding her in thrall. She didn’t think, she simply followed the urges of her body and reached down to claw his backside, urging him to go faster, chanting, “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop…”

Everything happened so fast after that.

Fast and glorious.

“If your blood could not sustain me, Ginny,” he growled, yanking her knees high and throwing them over his shoulders. “I swear this pussy would.”

He stroked into her deep, the new angle allowed that slick, thick part of him unfettered access to that spot—and she couldn’t move her hips to meet him or grind up, she simply had to take it. There was a loud sound coming from a distant land and it took her several guesses before she realized it was the entire bed rebounding off the wall.