“Funny,” Jonas drawled.

Staring up at him with her cheek against his shoulder, Ginny had to admit he did look incredible. Even better than the first time she’d met him, which was saying something, considering the man was eight steps above handsome. His eyes were clear now, his skin glowing with health. Sure, his hair was still disheveled from the last twenty-four hours, but it was visibly richer in color. Had she really been responsible for the transformation? Such a thing seemed impossible.

What didn’t seem impossible anymore?

Jonas carried her into his room, leaving the door open behind them. He laid her down in his bed and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “Sleep.”

Drowsiness caught up with her with the utterance of that single word and her lids turned heavy. “Jonas?” she asked, noting the wounds on his wrists inflicted by the silver already looked less painful. “What happens now that we’re breaking two of the rules?”

Silence ticked past. “My sanity, my soul, my existence, depend on you being mine.” He ground a fist to his chest, right above his heart. “This cannot be governed by rules. I was a fool to think it ever could.” With a final lingering kiss of her lips, he stood and left the room.

The door closed, leaving no sound behind, save Ginny’s racing pulse.


Ginny woke up to the sound of arguing.

In the absence of windows, she had no way to gauge the time of day. Until she started searching for her cell, she didn’t realize it was still at Enders. Along with her purse. With a groan, she climbed out of bed, the events from the previous night coming back to her in a river of color and sensation.

She was Jonas’s mate now. For life.

A hot shiver danced across the nape of her neck.

Her new reality felt like anything but reality, especially since her old responsibilities remained. She still needed to call Larissa and check to see if they’d received any new client inquiries. Then there was the matter of tonight’s dress expo and the finishing touches she still needed to put on her collection. Normal things—she was actually grateful for them, though she wondered if performing her usual routines would ever feel remotely the same again when this aching need for Jonas was now a part of her.

How could she miss him to the point of pain when he was in the next room?

Pressing a hand to her stuttering heart, Ginny stepped out into the hallway.

The arguing ceased abruptly.

She turned the corner into the kitchen, finding three vampires and one slayer in a state of suspended animation.

Her gaze sought out Jonas immediately. He stood with his palms flat on the kitchen table facing Roksana, agitation lingering on his face. It faded when he saw Ginny. “Good morning,” he rasped, scanning her head to toe, his fingers curling on the table.

“Morning,” she breathed, tingles breaking out along her limbs. There are other people around. Mentally shaking herself, she tucked some hair behind her ear, positive she looked like she’d slept in a bush during a windstorm. “Do you have a mirror, Roksana?”

“I do not,” she said, holding out her phone to Ginny. “Flip my camera.”

“I’ll save you time,” Jonas said in a gruff tone. “You look amazing.”

“Goddamn. Could you two bring it down a notch?” Elias asked, his face buried in the refrigerator. “It’s uncomfortable.”

“Not for me,” Tucker said, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll watch any time. Sign me up.”

Jonas slid him a sideways glance. “Not in your wildest dreams.”

Tucker shrugged. “Worth a shot.”

Ginny held up the reverse camera and winced at her tornado victim appearance, quickly lowering the phone. “What was everyone arguing about before?”

Everyone looked at Jonas.

He pushed away from the table. Started to answer and stopped. “We’ve been discussing how best to proceed safely. Now that you and I are…” He shoved his hands into his pants pockets. “Now that we’re together.” Intense eyes ticked to hers. “Indefinitely.”

Her abdomen squeezed. “You mean, how to proceed safely so we aren’t discovered?”

“Take your seat on the Order and change the laws.” Elias smacked the refrigerator shut, but kept his back turned. “You refuse a position many covet.”

“Clarence will never change the laws,” Jonas intoned. “By trying to convince him to do so for my own gain, I’d only be putting her in jeopardy.”

“I don’t care what you bloodsuckers decide to do,” Roksana sighed. “I’m only here to protect the human.”

Jonas shook his head. “Yes, you did a fine job of that by bringing my mate to a slayer bar. Didn’t you realize how valuable she’d be to them? To draw me out?”

“It’s not something a human could sense,” Roksana seethed. “She was safe.”

“Everyone stop,” Ginny said, going to Jonas and laying a hand on his arm. “There’s no point in fighting about it now. I’m fine.”