Ginny’s heart twisted so forcefully, she had to gasp for breath. “It sounds like you want to give me more time with you. And my memories.”

He shook his head at her ruefully. “The threat has been eliminated, love. My protection is no longer required,” he said unevenly, before casting a morose look out the window. “Besides, do you think we could ever fool ourselves into thinking any amount of time together is enough?”

No. Of course the answer to that question was a vehement no.

Shivers took her over. They’d reached the end of the road.

Tomorrow morning, when she woke up, she would no longer remember Jonas Cantrell or the last few days. The wildfire of feeling inside of her would be doused and there was an extremely good chance she’d never experience a fraction of it again.

Unless she could be very persuasive tonight.


Ginny sat on the edge of her bed, watching Jonas pace.

If she squinted, she could envision him storming back and forth on a stone floor in front of a roaring castle fireplace, a robe billowing out behind him. Servants would hover in the shadows, awaiting orders.

Everything about him was so undeniably in charge and confident, even if now he appeared to be in mental turmoil, muttering to himself under his breath, as he’d been doing for the last fifteen minutes.

He’d brought her home intending to erase her memories, but so far he’d been unable to do it—and that gave her hope. I’m in the fight of my life. That’s how it felt. The battle to wake up tomorrow and still know what it was like to live with this depth of feeling for another person. How could she live without it?

Get him talking. Isn’t that what the experts suggested hostages do in a hostage situation? Establish a rapport. Personalize oneself for a better chance of survival. And that’s what she was fighting for, wasn’t it? Survival?

“So.” she licked her lips. “You’re as powerful now as the vampire who’s been leaving me in oceans and on highways. How do you do it? What does it feel like?”

He stopped pacing and looked down at his hands. “Normally, my eyesight can pick out the smallest things. Dust motes, an insect several yards away. But this…” He huffed a sound. “Tonight when you climbed out of the car, it was like my fear crystalized everything. I could see molecules in the air, pick them out and manipulate them. Objects were no longer objects. They were just masses of atoms to be broken apart or moved. It’s…hard to describe.”

“I’d say you did a pretty good job,” she said. Keep him talking. Cause delays. “Can you explain why someone would target you…and in turn me, because of Clarence?”

Agitated fingers plowed through his hair. “Ginny, I can’t confide in you only to take the knowledge away…that makes me an even worst bastard.”

“I won’t know you’re a bastard. I won’t know you at all.”

Torture twisted his expression. “Love.”

She flattened her palms on he bedspread and tried to keep her voice calm and not at all pleading. “Just talk to me. For a little while. Please?”

After some visible debate, he spoke in a hushed tone. “Clarence, my sire, is the King of the High Order. He holds the highest power among the vampires. Tonight was not the first time someone has figured out my connection to him and tried to eliminate me. Though it’s the first time someone has been vulnerable because of their connection to me. I’m so sorry I didn’t see it coming.”

“Don’t apologize. You protected me.”

He snorted and began pacing again. “Not soon enough. I could have still been inside meeting with the newbie when he arrived in the alley. He could have…”

“But he didn’t.”

“No thanks to you.” He flicked her a high eyebrow. “Car leaver.”

Smiles ghosted over their lips.

“Will you tell your father…your sire about the attack?”

“I try not to associate with him, but he contacts me occasionally, when he can pin my location down before I move on.” He blurred past Ginny, ending up at the fire escape window. “Our relationship is complicated. When I was freshly Silenced, he intended for me to follow in his footsteps.”

“He wanted you to lead the High Order?”

“God no. He’d never relinquish power. Not voluntarily, anyway,” Jonas said. “He wants a second in command to do his bidding. I didn’t agree with how he governed, allowing humans to be Silenced and then punishing those who can’t temper the vampire nature inflicted on them. It’s barbaric.” He tucked his tongue into his cheek. “After one too many arguments, I left. Clarence has made it clear many times that he wants me to return, and take my seat in the Order. See, I’m his only progeny. Once a vampire reaches a certain age, his venom dries up and he can no longer Silence a human.” He laughed without humor. “It’s more likely he wants me to return and give him a vow of fealty so I can never challenge his domination, not because he has some perceived kinship with me. But I’ll never go back.”