Now, standing on the leaf-shaped island where they had first gotten to know one another, Steph’s stomach was filled with butterflies as she waited impatiently for the helicopter to land. As it dropped closer to the ground, she saw her mother’s face pressed against the window, and she waved furiously while Elora waved back.

Once the helicopter landed and the blades stopped turning, Elora threw open the door and ran straight into her daughter’s arms. Steph laughed and wiped away a tear as she hugged her mother tight. Jerry approached, then, and she hugged him just as fiercely. She had never been away from her parents for so long.

After their joyful greeting, Jerry gave Mehdi a firm handshake.

“Thanks for flying us out, Your Highness.”

Mehdi winced. “Please, ‘Mehdi’ is just fine. And it was no trouble at all. We have lunch prepared, if you’re hungry?”

Jerry grinned. “Famished.”

“Perfect. Please, right this way.”

Mehdi led the way as Steph laced her arm with her mother’s and caught her up on everything that had been going on since she and Jerry had left El Farah. Elora listened with rapt attention, holding her daughter close.

They sat at the table, which was set with plates of seafood and fruits and vegetables that were perfectly chilled to compensate for the sunny weather. Mehdi popped a bottle of champagne and Steph held four flutes as he filled them. She then handed them out, and Mehdi raised his glass.

“To family, to life, and to love!”

He was met with smiles as they all lifted their flutes and said, “Cheers!”

Jerry’s blue eyes were wide as he gazed at the beauty around them. “This place is incredible.”

After a sip, Mehdi sat down and reached for Steph’s hand under the table.

“This is where I fell in love with your daughter,” he said.

Elora tilted her head in confusion. “You’ve been here before?”

Steph laughed. “Yes, Mom. This is where Mehdi brought me when I was ‘kidnapped.’”

“Ah, yes. That I do remember,” Elora said with a pointed stare at Mehdi.

“And I cannot apologize enough for your worries, Mrs. O’Hanlon. I’ll certainly do my best to make it up to you.”

“You better,” Elora said, though there was a small twinkle in her eye.

They enjoyed a leisurely lunch, after which the four of them took a dip in the warm waters. Mehdi pointed to the secluded island and told them of the algae that glowed within the caves.

“Perhaps another time I will have the energy to swim that far. As it is, these old bones would like nothing more than a peaceful day on the beach,” Elora said, glancing wistfully back at the cabana.

“Would you like some company, Mother?” Steph asked.

Elora nodded, heading back in that direction. “I would, thank you.”

The two women made their way back to the cabana, and Mehdi spent some time chatting with Jerry out in the water. As Steph settled into a comfy chair, basking in the sun, she stared out at her handsome boyfriend, grateful for the changes in her life over the past few months. It was better than she could have ever dreamed.

“How is Vermont?” Steph asked, and Elora shrugged.

“Cold, as usual. We got several feet of snow the other day, and all I could think about was getting out here to enjoy the beach. Of course, flying in Mehdi’s private jet was wonderful, too.”

“He flew you out in the jet?” Steph asked, surprised.

Elora nodded, taking a sip of iced tea. “He did, and I have to say that I quite approve of this relationship. How are things going with you two?”

Steph smiled, thinking about all of the wonderful adventures they’d had so far. “Amazing,” she said, sighing.

“You should get married so you can secure him and your future,” Elora said, and Steph laughed.

“Mom, I have my own fashion line coming out, and many of my designs have already gained traction in the right circles. I’m making a good living for myself, doing exactly what I want to do.”

Elora smiled at her daughter and reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.