Jia sneered. “You exist as a fortunate accident of our history. There are several of us that are working to dismantle your reign entirely, which would eliminate any need for you ever again.”

Mehdi laughed. “I certainly hope you all succeed. I would like to enjoy living in a house of my own choosing at some point. Besides, the palace is a waste of resources. We all know that. I hope you and your team work extra hard to see this through, Jia.”

Jia simmered at his words, clearly miffed that her comments hadn’t hurt him. Mehdi nodded politely to her and then turned his back on her, effectively ending the exchange before she could get the final word in. He knew that would leave her just as angry as anything, and he grinned to himself as he took his seat.

Still, seeing Jia was a stark reminder of just how different she was from Steph. His marriage had been beyond miserable, with Jia doing her best to control and manipulate him at every turn. With Steph everything just came so easily. With Jia everything had been a fight. She had gotten her position in parliament based on her marriage to him, which was laughable. She told the people she had garnered extensive experience working for the state while she lived in the palace.

They didn’t seem to care that she had only been there mere weeks before the marriage was dissolved. Nor did they seem to care that she’d had nothing to do with running the estate or government. She had gotten in solely on her convincing words and beautiful face, though if that wasn’t politics in a nutshell, what was?

The gavel was struck and roll call was taken, and parliament began their session. A few bills were proposed that Mehdi wasn’t concerned with, and the ones that he wanted to pass were passed, admittedly with a few stares in his direction as senators placed their votes.

Mehdi bit back a smile at this; while he didn’t hold the power to make changes directly, he certainly held influence over those who did. Sometimes that certainly came in handy.

“I would like to make a motion.”

Jia’s clear voice rang across the floor, which fell silent as the senators waited for her to continue. She glanced up at Mehdi with venom in her eyes.

“I move that all funding for the royal family be revoked and returned to the people’s fund of El Farah. That money is useful to us, and there is no reason to use it to fund an ancient landmark that involves so much upkeep.”

Several senators glanced nervously at Mehdi, who held a perfectly neutral gaze as he watched Jia try to upheave him for the millionth time. A man cleared his throat before answering.

“I respectfully disagree. Our palace is the hallmark of our country, and it should be cared for with the dignity that entity deserves. Would you have France eliminate the Eiffel Tower, or Egypt their pyramids? Our palace is as much a part of our history and identity as those landmarks, and it should be cared for in much the same way.”

The hall echoed with general agreement, and Jia frowned deeply as she glared around the room.

“We can’t afford it!” she spat.

“We can, and we will be able to for many years to come. Jia, this motion is a waste of our and our taxpayers’ time. Let’s get this over with, please, so we can adjourn. All in favor?”

The room was heavy with silence. Jia and a few others raised their hands.

“All opposed?”

Hands shot up in the room. The senate leader slammed his gavel back down, the echo reverberating around the hallowed hall.

“Motion declined. We will now adjourn this session of parliament. Thank you for your time, Senators.”

There was a general bustle as everyone rose from their seats. Mehdi caught Jia’s eye. He grinned, lifting an eyebrow and shrugging his shoulder as she huffed and turned away, storming from the hall.

“In your dreams” Mehdi mumbled, satisfied.

If there was one thing he enjoyed, it was seeing his ex humiliated in public by her own design. He made a mental note to continue fighting for the people of El Farah, even as she worked for her own best interests. It was obvious to the people who would have their back when it came down to it, which was something Jia couldn’t see. She was too blinded by her own ambition.