Steph winced a little at that statement, but Elora shrugged.

“We’ve been married long enough. He knows it’s all out of love.”

“I’m sure he does,” Steph said, her lips twitching ever so slightly.

“Get some sleep, my love. Tomorrow is another day, and you are safe and sound. That is all that matters. Unless, of course, you’d like to head back to Vermont?”

Steph stood and stretched. With a few sips of warm tea and a comfy couch, it hadn’t taken long for her exhaustion to catch up to her.

“Let’s see how tomorrow plays out, first. But I certainly hope the answer to that question is a resounding ‘no.’”

“So do I, sweetheart. So do I.”

Elora wrapped Steph in one last embrace before sending her off to her room to get some sleep. With no set obligations for the following day, they could afford to sleep in and get some much needed rest.

Steph closed her door behind her and stared out at the El Farahn skyline. The glowing domes of the city buildings gleamed against the inky black sky above. Steph walked over to her veranda and opened the door, taking a deep breath.

The air held that unique scent of ocean and desert. Two different kinds of sand melded together to make one perfect place. Steph allowed her mind to drift back to the island, to the gleaming caves that shimmered above as she held Mehdi’s hand. She cupped her hands together, imagining his touch.

“Sleep well, Mehdi,” she whispered into the night.



Mehdi stood on his veranda, staring out at the horizon. The city was far enough away that he could only catch a glimpse of the shining domes, but it was enough to focus on while he sipped his drink.

Steph was out there somewhere.

Mehdi frowned. It was quite possible that upon her return, Steph’s parents had instantly set her back up with her fiancé, that she had already been married to him. Mehdi shook his head, not wanting to think about that.

When he had come across her at the fountain, something about her had struck him in a way he had never felt before. She was different, and he’d wanted to know why. As he’d spent more time with her, he’d felt a connection he didn’t dare name but couldn’t imagine giving up. It was then that he had decided to take her fate into his own hands, if only for a little while.

Having her with him in the palace had seemed so…natural. And that kiss they’d shared?

Pure magic.

Mehdi tipped his glass back, finishing the hard alcohol in one gulp. The liquid burned down to his stomach, calming him as he stared out into the night. He thought he heard Steph’s voice, but he reminded himself that there was a strong chance she was lost to him forever. What they’d had was far too much like a dream to be real.

“Good night, Steph. Sweet dreams,” he said, instantly scolding himself for being such a romantic fool.

Mehdi stepped inside, where he was met by his butler.

“Are you ready to turn in for the night, sir?”

“Yes, Kalin. Thank you. I will no longer be needing your services.”

“Very good, sir,” Kalin said, giving a slight bow before making his exit for the evening.

Mehdi cleaned up for bed before lying down, staring at the ceiling for longer than he dared to check. He rationalized that the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner he could wake up to a new day. The sooner he could see if Steph would find him on that beach, and perhaps give them a chance at a life together.

That logic did not work on his busy mind, and Mehdi lay awake for many hours before finally losing consciousness in the early hours of the morning.



Steph woke leisurely, taking her time. She knew that day would be one of the longest of her life, so she spent as much time in bed as she possibly could. Then her mother was knocking at the door.

“Steph! You need to wake up. We have plans today.”

Steph sat up, stretching before rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“What plans?” she said though the door.

“Today would have been the day you met your El Farahn family as a married couple. As we have no husband for you to do that with, we are going to have to do it on our own.”