Mehdi thought about that for a moment. As he did, their food arrived, and the table became laden with exotic-looking dishes that smelled like heaven. Mehdi explained what every dish was, from the meat pastries to the fruit pies and local vegetables. Steph filled her plate and took a succulent bite, closing her eyes as she experienced the cuisine of El Farah for only the second time.

“To answer your question,” Mehdi said, picking up where they left off, “there is some political discord here, but El Farah has been a prosperous country for many years now. When the people do not suffer, the government is working correctly, and peace ensues. I find that we have managed to strike that balance, though I do believe some of our laws to be a bit too conservative.”

Steph took another sip of punch to wash down her fruit pie, tilting her head. “It seems you are in the minority, though I suppose since you’re the only person here I really know, I can’t say that’s a fully informed observation.”

“I spent many of my formative years in Europe and the United States, and I learned a lot while I was there. I think taking on some Western ideals would be good for our country. It would help us become more united with the world as a whole, and help blend us into the twenty-first-century global community.”

“Sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Steph said, and Mehdi shrugged.

“Yes, well. Enough about me. Tell me a little more about you. What did you do back in the States? I don’t think I even know what state you’re from!”

Steph smiled, thinking about the humid Vermont air as she sat out in the dry desert heat. The shade certainly helped, and Mehdi’s courtyard was filled with various vegetation that seemed to cool the area. She made a mental note to ask him about how that worked later.

“I’m from Vermont. It’s a bit south of Canada and a bit north of Boston. Very humid summers, though nothing compared to this. The heat here is a whole other level.”

“Yes. I imagine it is. What did you do in Vermont?”

His eyes were engaged, and Steph realized he was truly curious about her. She wasn’t sure how much of herself she was willing to share. After all, her time with Mehdi seemed so limited.

“I worked at a bank. It was what my father wanted me to do, so it’s what I did.”

“Again with that loyalty to your family’s wishes. You are more El Farahn than you think, Steph.”

She smiled at that. “I suppose I may be. They have always been the best to me, so I feel like they deserve my best in return. It didn’t occur to me until now that I might actually be able to do things my own way, though.”

Mehdi leaned in, his expression impish. “Fun, isn’t it?” he asked.

Her smile deepened. “Yes, it is,” she agreed, though her smile faltered.

“What is it?” he asked, his brow furrowing.

“I just feel bad. My parents must be worried sick right about now, and I don’t have my phone. At least then I could text them that I’m okay, you know? The longer I’m gone, the more they’ll worry.”

Mehdi pulled out a cellphone and handed it to her. “Text them. Tell them that you need a few days to think and clear your head. At least that way they’ll know you’re okay.”

Steph held the phone in her hand, wondering what she could possibly say that wouldn’t drive her mother into a rage. Knowing there was nothing for it, she tapped in her mother’s number and the message Mehdi had suggested, then hesitated before pressing send.

“A few days?” she asked, looking up at him.

Mehdi smiled. “You can stay with me at the palace, of course. We have a guest room and plenty of provisions for you. It would be no trouble whatsoever.”

Steph’s heart fluttered at his offer. She would get to spend more time with Mehdi, which, if she were being honest, was all she wanted to do. She inhaled and pressed send, exhaling after the message had been sent. Then she handed the phone back to Mehdi, who pocketed it with a grin.

“There now. Your parents know you’re safe. They might be mad, but they love you and they’ll get over it. Now why don’t you try to enjoy yourself for a little bit. Have you ever gotten to let loose before?”