The man nodded his head. “I understand. While parents generally have our best interests at heart, they don’t always see past the veneer some people put up just to make a suitable match. You’re not wrong for feeling the way you do.”

Steph stared at him. He had just said exactly what she needed to hear. This stranger, who she would likely never see again, had just validated her feelings better than anyone ever could.

“I’m Steph,” she said, holding out her hand.

“Mehdi,” he said, giving her hand a firm but gentle shake. His skin was smooth and warm, and Steph was reluctant to let him go.

“So what are you going to do?” he asked.

Steph stared into the fountain. “I honestly don’t know. The truth is, I’ve never really felt like I belonged in America, but it’s the only culture I know. How will I get on here, when I don’t know the customs and culture of everyday life? I don’t belong in either place, yet I come from both. Still, maybe if I go through with this, if I can give this mystery man a chance, maybe I could create a home for myself and find my own way.”

“Maybe,” Mehdi said, pursing his lip in thought. “But you don’t have to make a decision about that tonight.”

He stood up and held out a hand for her to take. Steph stared at it before looking up at him with confusion in her eyes.

“Look, you’ve got a big decision to make in the morning, and no one can make it but you, but so far you have seen nothing of this country you’re about to be a part of. Allow me to give you an introductory tour. When we’re done, I can take you back to where you’re staying. So for now you can consider yourself officially not lost.”

His smile was welcoming and genuine, and Steph’s lips curled up ever so slightly as she placed her hand in his. Mehdi gripped it and pulled her up, taking a step back once she was standing.

“Do you like fish?” he asked.

“What, like to eat?”

Mehdi laughed. “No. Like to see. We have a massive aquatic population off the coast of El Farah. I think that will be the first thing I show you. Come, this way!”

Mehdi began walking, and Steph hesitated before realizing that he was leaving her behind. She jogged to catch up with him, her short legs working a little harder to keep up with his long stride. He glanced down at her as they walked.

“So you really didn’t know how into fish we are here?” he asked.

Steph shrugged. “My mother has never really invested in my connection to this place outside my behavior. Now that you mention it, she did say the fish in America had nothing on El Farah, but I always assumed she was talking about it in a dietary way. We never ate fish at our house.”

“That is a terrible shame. We have excellent fish farming practices here, and they are certainly in abundant supply. Still, we have many more beautiful creatures we have been able to preserve in the aquarium and our wildlife sanctuaries. At some point you will have to go see them.”

A large building came into view ahead of them, and Steph realized it was the city aquarium. It was overlooking the ocean, and she could hear the waves lapping against the shore even as they walked toward the indoor facility.

“Why would you house your fish in an aquarium instead of letting them free?” she asked.

“We use the facility to breed and nurture them. They are far from cramped, as you will soon see.”

Steph pulled out her phone to check the time. It was nearly ten o’clock at night. Mehdi opened the door for her to walk through, and she did, looking around at the displays in the main lobby.

“Excuse me, but we are about to close,” a man said.

He turned to the door and got a good look at who had walked in before his face completely changed, his expression almost reverent.

“Of course, there are exceptions. The facility is yours to explore for as long as you wish, sir.”

Mehdi gave the man a respectful nod before escorting Steph through a tunnel that led to the main body of the aquarium. She glanced back at the man, who was talking hurriedly into a receiver as he walked in the opposite direction. How curious that they would just let Mehdi in like that.