She laughed, and he put a finger to his mouth, telling her to be quiet. When it appeared no one was following them, he let out a breath.

“So, I guess you weren’t really allowed in there.”

His stare shifted into something challenging and he kissed her, pressing her shoulders into the cool brick wall and sending a sharp thrill up her spine. It seemed like too much passion for this early in the day, but the fact that they were hiding in an alley and still in their clothes from last night didn’t seem to bother Pat, so she didn’t let it bother her.

Looping her arms around his neck, she hooked a leg over his hip and he lifted her, his hands sprawled her ribs as he devoured her with kisses. At this angle, she could feel the hard press of his arousal grinding into her. It amazed her that she could have such an effect on him.

She forgot how fun kissing could be. Maybe it was Pat, or maybe it was being back home, but she suddenly felt like a teenager again. Reckless and untethered.

“Take me somewhere, Pat. I don’t want to go back to reality yet.”

He pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. “I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“I want to go somewhere no one will find us, somewhere it’s just you and me.”

He thought for a moment and then asked for her keys. They slipped out of the alleyway with matching expressions of two guilty kids who had been up to no good. Luckily, no one seemed to notice them.

When they got in the car, he drove them to the end of town and turned toward the mountains. Just before the highway, there was a highway.

“I’m going to make a quick stop. Do you need anything?”

“Um, a toothbrush and some food.”

He parked. “I’ll be right out.”

The moment Pat made it into the pharmacy, he grabbed a basket and started filling it with anything he thought Julie might want or need. At the back of the store, he fished out his phone and called Ryan, pinning the device between his cheek and shoulder while he continued to shop.

“How’s it going?” his brother answered.

“Unpredictably. Do you happen to know where Jo is?”

“Your bride-to-be?” His brother chuckled. “I think she crashed at Sheilagh’s.”

Thank God. He didn’t want more people finding out the truth until they were all present and able to explain—until he understood what the true situation was.

“Mom thinks you’re with her. She called bright and early this morning to remind me to save anything left over from the wedding that you and Jo can use.”

“I’m screwed.” His mother didn’t have a neutral setting. It was full speed ahead and that was all she wrote.

“I’d say.” His brother lowered his voice. “You with Julie?”

Pat paused while staring at a row of toothbrushes and floss. “Yeah. I told her the truth.”


He hesitated. “And, this could end horribly for me.”

“What is the truth, Pat?”

He assumed his brother already figured it out. “It’s always been Julie. Jo and I…”

“You’re just friends. I get it. I figured as much. But why the lie?”

“It’s a pain being single and dealing with all the setups. It was the only way I could get Jo to come home.”

“Say no more. I totally get it. What’s up with Julie and Lance?”

“She says it’s over but complicated.” His lips pressed tight. “She’s…hurting.”

Over the silence he could sense his brother’s disapproval. “Do we have to pay old Lance a visit?”

“She says he didn’t lay a hand on her, but he definitely messed with her head. She seems…fragile. She said she can’t make any big decisions right now.”

“Which is why you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared—”

“Pat, it’s okay to want to protect yourself. She means a lot to you.”

He let out a breath. “What do I do, Ry? Do I back off and let her figure it out herself or do I…” He swallowed, questioning if his motives were completely pure. “I don’t want to take advantage of her in a fragile state.”

“Julie’s a smart girl. And even if she’s feeling a little delicate right now, you would never intentionally hurt her. Trust yourself. Where are you?”

“The drug store. She wants to avoid people for a while.”

“So, take her away. Maybe she needs a safe place and a friend right now. That’s always been you.”

He turned the corner and stopped short at the display of condoms. “What if things get…heated?”

“You mean like sex?” His brother laughed. “Then you fucking enjoy it, Pat. Christ, you waited your whole life for a shot with her, don’t let guilt get in your way. If she said they’re broken up, then they’re broken up. Julie’s a grown woman who can decide for herself what she wants. You’re not a guy to pressure anyone, and you would never let yourself take advantage of her.”