Without a tree, trellis, or rope ladder, I was stuck. From the view outside, the house was surrounded by acres of unencumbered land. A high stone wall with trees outlined the property. If I somehow got down, I’d be seen trying to reach the wall to escape. There was nothing to hide me from the house to the wall. Knowing my father, that design aspect was intentional. I wondered if I would be trapped here long enough to call myself Rapunzel before I was set free.
It could be psychological as well. I’d probably be happy to marry anyone to get out this place.
None of it mattered. Finally, alone, I allowed myself to dissolve into tears over Liam’s brutal death. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. My father would pay even if it was the last thing I did.
The sound of a car horn jolted me awake. I scrambled to sit up, having already forgotten where I was for a second. From my limited view in the above ground garage, the sky was bright. It was morning, but when?
I picked up my phone where it had fallen on the floorboard. The battery indicator was on red, but I was able to read that it was just before noon before it shut off. A view in the rearview mirror showed my purpling bruises though I looked worse than I felt. The throbbing was gone until I probed the bruises and was reminded how tender the area still was.
At least I was likely safe from the men that had intended to kill me. Or maybe they’d just wanted to scare the shit out of me. Time would tell. I turned on my truck and was grateful when the engine turned over. I remember turning off the car, but I could have left something on that would have drained the battery. That wasn’t the case.
The problem was I didn’t have the car phone charger with me. For whatever reason, I’d taken it into my apartment and when I left in a hurry to see Natalie, I’d forgotten to take it. I hadn’t noticed a text from Natalie before my phone died. I hoped she was okay.
I drove to the King residence and parked my truck at the front. I opened the car door and tumbled out, clasping the handle to regain my balance. It took me a minute to reach the house, given my state.
The housekeeper opened the door and with wide eyes, “Come in,” she urged and led me back to the living room I’d been in several times before.
Within minutes my brothers and their wives showed up one after another. Upon seeing my face, Bailey’s distress was evident even as she said she’d be back.
“What happened?” Connor asked.
“Let’s wait for Bails. She’ll want to hear,” Lizzy said.
Bailey appeared in short order with a first aid kit and began nursing my wounds as Connor repeated his question.
“Natalie,” I said, flinching while Bailey tried her best to clean my wounds.
“A woman,” Kalen said. “Should have guessed.”
“It’s not just that,” I went on. “She was taken.”
“What is it with this family?” Lizzy tossed up her hands. “Are you all cursed?”
I wanted to ask what she meant but Connor went on. “Wait. A woman was taken?” Connor repeated.
“Not against her will.” When Connor’s brows shot up with confusion, I continued. “She went willingly but she really didn’t want to go.”
Kalen and Connor both shook their heads.
Lizzy jumped in. “Don’t start. You took me all over the world to keep me safe. And you,” she eyed Kalen, “You did basically the same for Bails. Let’s hear the man out.” Her eyes found me. “I presume this woman was also the cause of your face looking like that.”
“It’s a little more complicated. Her father wanted me dead,” I said.
She held up her hands. “Some fathers are like that.”
“He didn’t even know me when he tried to have me killed. From what Natalie tells me, her father’s bad news. He warned me not to follow her as she was getting married.”
Connor stood. “Okay, this doesn’t sound like anything we need to get involved in.”
Bailey stopped him. “Let him talk.” She nodded at me.
“Okay, from the beginning...” I started at the point I was waiting for Natalie at the hospital and how she appeared afraid. I continued from there all the way to the point I ended up at the airport.
Connor got up again and disappeared from the room.
I looked at his wife.
“He probably went to get his computer.”
That was a damn good idea. I hadn’t googled David Royal’s name yet.
When he returned, he said, “What is her name?”
“Natalie Peterson.”
Everyone was silent except for the sound of clicking keys. “According to her birth certificate, her father is Nicolas Cortez. His main residence is in Chicago. David Royal also lives in Chicago. It’s likely she’s there.”