Then, they were gone. I moved to shift to the driver’s seat when another tap came on the passenger side window. Thing Two lifted his jacket enough for me to see the gun. Meanwhile, Natalie disappeared into the car ahead of me. It quickly pulled out and drove off, likely to the location where private planes took off.

When Thing Two stepped back, I didn’t wait for him to follow. I peeled off and sped away, hoping to shake them. No matter what Natalie believed, I didn’t think they would leave me alive if they could. I pulled into a daily garage and drove far too fast until I found a spot in the mostly full lot. I quickly turned off my car and laid down on the front seat hoping against hope if they’d taken chase, they would be looking for a truck with lights on.

The word married rang in my head. I bet my life she’d known. That was likely why she’d come over and given me her virginity. From that I took it to mean she didn’t want to marry this David Royal. The question was, what would I do about it? My thoughts scattered as I was dragged into the unconsciousness yet again.



Furious didn’t cover completely how I felt. “How could you tell him that?” I raged.

“Darling daughter of mine, your lovesick Romeo needed to know the truth. You can’t possibly believe that leaving him to think he had a shot was fair.”

It wasn’t. “I would have told him.” Though that was a lie.

“I didn’t have time for your come to Jesus moment with him. I was able to get us a flight and we leave now.”

He was right about one thing. I wouldn’t have told Liam about the marriage because I didn’t want to see the betrayal on his face, which would have been worse than the bruises he’d gotten from the beating he’d taken to save me.

“I would have come back.”

His brow arched. “Really, when you swore you were taking him to the hospital and ended up at the airport.”

“I didn’t know. I don’t know my way around and followed the directions he provided. Still I didn’t park in a garage and go in. I was dropping him off or myself if it came to it. I would have called and told you where I was.”

“Plausible, but you can understand why I can’t fully trust you.” He held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”

“Why? I called you. That should have earned me something.”

“You shouldn’t have left in the first place. I had to end a meeting early to come after you.”

“I couldn’t stay and let you kill him, and you agreed,” I spat.

“After the fact and you only delayed the inevitable.”

“What? No!” I cried in misery.

“He would have never given up. It’s for the best. At least you got to say your goodbye. Now hand over the phone.”

I gripped it in my hand tighter. “I need to call Mom, so she doesn’t worry.”

“Your mother has been notified of your situation. She knows if she interferes in any way, she’ll die.”

Choking sounds left my throat. “You wouldn’t?” I dared, but it was a child’s cry for help.

“I would. Now this is the last time I’ll ask. Give me the phone.”

I handed it over.

“If you follow the rules, I let you talk to her.”


“When it pleases me.”

I bit back rage, as it wouldn’t do me any good. All too soon, the car came to a stop. The driver spoke to a man at a gate before we were ushered through. We pulled in front of a small building.

“I expect obedience. Don’t make a scene and I’ll let you call your mother when we land.”

Though I didn’t want to, I nodded. Not so long after, we boarded a private jet without the hassle of long waits through security.

My bag, which I hadn’t brought, meaning my father had, was shoved in a bin at the front. The plane had four rows with the two in the middle facing each other. When I wasn’t given an assigned seat by my father, I sat in the back row with a single seat on the left.

Father spoke to the pilot, but we didn’t immediately leave. We waited for his two goons to appear.

“Was it taken care of?’” I caught him ask them.

He shifted his position, giving me his back. That left me unable to see or hear as they spoke in hushed tones. Father didn’t blow a gasket, leaving me to assume they’d completed their task. Tears streamed from my eyes as I dealt with the guilt of getting Liam killed. He’d come for me and because I hadn’t been honest, he’d died. What choice did I have? If it wasn’t for my mother, I would want to die as well, it hurt that damn bad.