He didn’t want me to give them the recording. I lifted a brow.

“We have a witness,” the agent said, answering him. When Nicolas once again aimed angry eyes at each of us, the agent added, “in custody.”

“Valentina,” he spat.

Natalie quickly hid a smile before her father saw. What did she know?

“Shawn, call my lawyer,” Nicolas ordered. Shawn nodded as Nicolas was handcuffed and perp walked back in the elevator.

“Sorry about that folks,” the special agent said before the doors closed.

We all breathed a sigh of relief when they were gone. Connor came over and joined us from where he’d been sitting in the lobby with a computer managing the recording we’d been doing. Kalen came down the hall from his office.

“Natalie, this is my father, Ted King.”

She blinked. “Yes. We were sort of introduced earlier. Nice to meet you.”

“No. I mean this is Ted, not Royce, my father,” I said.

Dad cut in. “Royce is my brother. But I’m Liam’s father.”

“You lied to my father?” she said, sounding impressed.

“No. I told him everyone had a middle name. I never said it was mine.”

“Long story,” Liam said. “I’ll tell you later.”

She laughed and I just wanted to get her alone. She’d admitted she loved me. I wanted to hear it again. However, there were a few things I had to do first. Before I could introduce Connor, Kalen, and Griffin, she said, “Should we be speaking in front of Shawn or were you all in on this?”

I said, “We weren’t. We’re you?” I directed that at the man who called himself Shawn.

“No. Our operations are separate. However, I hate to break this up, but now that this has gone down, we are running against the clock.”

I frowned. “How so? He’s been arrested. It’s over?”

Shawn shook his head. “I’m sorry. But it’s not. He’ll make bail and when he does, he’s going to come after you and Natalie. My immediate concern is her as you have security.” He eyed Griffin and it looked like he wasn’t going to admit who he was in front of Natalie or me.

“I can protect her,” I declared. I’d been trained for highly sensitive missions where the threat for bodily harm was guaranteed.

“Maybe you can or maybe you can’t. But can you protect her mother in her condition? We need to get them into WITSEC immediately,” Shawn said.

“Witness Protection Program?” Natalie asked.

He nodded. “It’s the easiest way to get you a new name and credentials in a short time.”

“What about my mom?” Natalie asked.

“It’s already in motion. An agent will be at her location shortly,” Shawn said.

“I left my things at the hotel,” Natalie said.

“It’s probably a part of evidence now depending on the warrant. Is there anything you absolutely need?”

She checked her purse and pulled out her phone. “I guess not. Can I go home first?”

Shawn checked his phone. “Probably. But we have less than twenty-four hours. The Feds can’t hold him that long without him talking to someone. Once he does, he could send a message that will put you in danger.”

“I’ll go with you,” I said, brooking no argument.

“Not into WITSEC, you can’t,” Shawn declared. “Right now, the Feds don’t think you’re involved. I can’t have you bringing the family into this.”

“Who are you?” Natalie asked what I’d been thinking.

“Someone who will save your life. This is up to you. But if you don’t go now, I can’t guarantee your safety or your mother’s. They are likely making arrests for all who work with him. I’ll be expected to be arrested too. I need an answer now.”

She nodded without hesitation and my heart sank. I just got her back. “I won’t leave her.”

Shawn fixed a sympathetic smile on me. “You can’t go. Not now at least. Maybe—”

“Maybe when?” I asked feeling like my world was being stolen.

“After he’s convicted, if he is. Until then, she’s in real danger. He’ll want to remove anyone who could implicate him.”

“That includes me,” I said, though he’d been in the conference room and knew what we had.

“This is true. However, as we’ve seen he’ll use Natalie or her mother to control you and her. They are the easy targets. I can’t rule out after a conviction, he won’t want revenge. But while the possibility of a trial exists is when her safety will be most in jeopardy.”

I scrubbed a hand down my face because everything he said was true.

“Why? I know nothing,” Natalie complained.

“You were in his office. For how long? What did you see?” Shawn asked.

“Nothing,” she said.

“He doesn’t know that,” Shawn said.

She closed her eyes after blowing out a breath.

“I’ll arrange transportation,” Shawn said.

My dad jumped in. “We can fly her, assuming we can borrow your helicopter,” he asked the brothers. We’d flown it from Royce’s house to here after Royce and Dad had it out.

“Yes, take the helicopter,” Connor said to Dad. Then he faced Natalie. “Before you go, you should know the family you’re marrying into.” He winked as if our wedding could still happen. “I’m Connor,” he pointed at himself. “This is my brother Kalen,” who tipped his head, “and his best mate and mine, Griffin.” Connor winked at Griffin.