That surprised me. There was a difference from Natalie mentioning to her mom that she’d used my phone to her suggestion there was more between us. “She’s told you about me?”

All I had to go on how Natalie felt about me were my own assumptions.

“Some. But a mother knows how to read between the lines. It isn’t often my daughter speaks of a man with so much affection. She was happy in New York and a lot of that was because of you.”

It was hard to imagine, given our ups and downs. “Thank you for making my day.” I’d needed to hear that. “I promise I will get your daughter back.”

“Can I call you if I don’t hear from her in a few days?” she asked.

“Absolutely. I will keep you updated with what I know.”

“Thank you.”

After I hung up, I was more determined than ever to get that meeting between Royce and Nicolas, no matter the cost.

The next step was to call the King brothers. I dialed Connor’s phone, because he’d been the one I’d spoken to more often. Outside of our initial meeting, where he proved himself to be a formidable opponent and not just a soft rich boy, he’d earned my respect.

“Connor,” he said in greeting.

I’d spent all my life thinking he was my brother, yet I forced myself to try out another title. One I’d given my real brother over that same time period. “Cousin.”

He was silent a second. “I’m sorry for that.”

“You thought it all along. Did you tell the testing company that?” I asked.

“I told them there was a chance the potential fathers were brothers. If I hadn’t, you would have likely gotten a false positive. Brothers share enough DNA to match as a biological parent if you test the minimum number of markers.”

I didn’t know anything about the science of DNA testing. “I’ve talked to my parents and we are getting tested.”

“They admitted holding something back?” he asked.

“No. One drunken night neither remembered in a way that would suggest something happened. It’s a long story. But there is that possibility.”

“You called me cousin.”

“I trust you. Therefore, I believe the report is likely accurate. Does Royce know?”

“No. I wanted you to get tested on your end to confirm before I tell him.”

That was another reason why to trust him and Kalen.

“He hasn’t asked?”

“He’s too busy trying to work and drive everyone else crazy,” Connor said.

It was time to get into what mattered to me most. “Did Griffin tell you guys about my problem?”

“He did.” Of course he had. He was Kalen’s best mate, as he called him. “I don’t know that even if he would, you would want Royce talking to Nicolas. He’s unpredictable and likely won’t do what we want.”

What we want, he’d said. Further proof they were decent guys and on my side.

That was my thought as well. “If he’d been my father…” I thought out loud.

“I could tell him he is,” he offered.

“You’d do that for me after everything?” For so long, I’d thought the worst.

“We’re family, little cousin. I’d like the idea of not being the little brother. So I’ll still treat you like one.”

“Thanks,” I said, chuckling. “My parents, they’re good people. They would have never lied to me on purpose.”

It was important they knew that.

“I believe you. Everything that has happened to me over the past year or so has opened my eyes to the unexpected. One day I’ll tell you about how I met my wife and almost lost her. And you’ll have to ask Kalen about how he met Bailey and all that happened after. This is par for the course for our family. We’ll get your girl back. Let me talk to Kalen and see if he has any ideas on how to get Royce on board.”

“Dad,” I said and stopped. He’d always been Uncle Ted, yet that word easily flowed off my tongue. “Your uncle has an idea. We should all get on a call. Time is running out.” Then, I remembered something else. “There is something I forgot to tell Griffin.”

“What’s that?”

“Nicolas, Natalie’s father had a security guy. Right before he left, he said we could trust that he’d help.”

“What was his name?” Connor said, sounding very interested.

“Shawn, but he told me to ask Lizzy about Matt. It was weird that he knew Lizzy, but I thought maybe that had something to do with me telling them my last name was King.”

Connor didn’t seem bothered I’d borrowed the name. Though I guess as it turned out, I was a King either way. “What did he look like?” Connor asked.

I described him. “There weren’t any distinguishable features.”

“His hair wasn’t blond?”

“No. Dark brown. Is he Matt, Lizzy’s brother?”

“I can’t say for sure.” Though I could tell he considered it a possibility.

“I think he’s been helping us along the way. He mentioned making sure my wallet wasn’t found when they’d had me in New York. I also believe he’s been keeping an eye out for Natalie too.”