All of that swirling through my head made me jittery. My leg was bouncing in time with the music, and I kept stealing glances in his direction. So much for subtlety.

Jordan reached across the seat and put his hand on my leg. “What are you thinking about?”

Us. But I didn’t say that. The last thing I wanted was to broach that topic right now. Even though it hung in the air between us.

“Sorry,” I said instead, deflecting.

He shot me a look like he knew exactly what I was thinking and then left his hand on my leg. I bit my lip and let him draw lazy circles into my skin. Because, of course, I’d worn a jean miniskirt with my jersey and boots. It was impractical for the weather, but it was cute as hell. And now, it had the added benefit of Jordan’s hand on my leg with nothing between us.

Jordan didn’t push the matter, thankfully. We parked on the street near Jensen’s house. Cars lined the road in both directions, and we were lucky to find a spot Jordan could expertly parallel park into. Even in his huge truck.

“That was impressive,” I told him as we headed to the house together.

He shrugged. “Vancouver. There’s not a lot of parking, and you get used to it.”

I hadn’t really thought about that fact as I followed my dreams to a bigger city. Maybe I could take public transit and not have to drive much.

I knocked on the door, and Emery’s smiling face appeared first and her pregnant belly second.

“Ahhh, Em,” I gushed. “Look at you.”

Jensen and Emery had been married for more than three years now, and this was their first kid. She was due this spring and was glowing.

She put her hand on her stomach. “I know. I keep growing.”

I laughed as she let us inside. “You look incredible. Like the cutest pregnant person ever. Don’t let Sutton hear me say that.”

Emery shook her head with a grin. “Well, thanks. Heidi keeps reminding me that I’ll bounce back fast or whatever. She did.” She rolled her eyes about her cheery best friend, who was married to Landon, and had a two-year-old son, Holden. “Of course, Heidi is a freak of nature.”

“I can hear you!” Heidi called from a room over.

“That was the plan!” Emery yelled back. She winked at me and Jordan. “The rest of the Wrights have the pregame bullshit on in the living room. Feel free to go forth and listen to their antagonism.”

“We can hear you!” Jensen called from the living room.

She grinned from ear to ear. “Again, that was the plan, babe.”

Jensen stepped out of the living room and came over to his wife. He pressed a kiss against her lips. “You know I love you.”

“You’d better, or we’d be having a discussion about this.” She gestured to her oversized belly.

He shot her that insufferable, impossible Wright smile that I knew all too well. Then he kissed her again, long and deep. I flushed. It was almost embarrassing, witnessing their love.

“I’m open to discussion,” he said. “Maybe another one?”

She groaned. “Can’t I pop this one out first before we talk about more?”

“I love you, Emery Robinson Wright.”

She cracked. “I love you, too.”

Jensen stuck his hand out to shake Jordan’s as Sutton darted into the entranceway. She pulled me into a hug.

“So glad you made it,” she said, glancing over her shoulder.

“Me too. What are you looking at?”

She laughed. “I, uh…just escaped the kids.”

I shook my head. “Escaped?”

“I need a minute to breathe, all right?” she said with a smile.

Her eyes were still on her kids, who were being entertained by Holden and Emery’s sister, Kimber’s, kids—Lilyanne and Bethany. Jensen’s son from his first marriage, Colton, was currently trying to ignore all of them. He was twelve and veering into those impossible teenage years. Though Lilyanne was only two years younger, he was apparently already in that I’m too cool stage. He was shaping up to look just like his dad. Lord, help the middle school girls.

I followed Sutton into the kitchen and grabbed a Coke from the fridge. I tried to smother a yawn. The overnights were not my friend. I still had to work tonight at midnight, and my brain was not firing on all cylinders.

“So,” Sutton said expectantly.


“You and Jordan?”

“Oh yeah, I don’t know.” I took a sip of my Coke, so I didn’t have to say more.

“You showed up together,” Sutton prodded.

“They sure did,” Morgan said, entering the kitchen. “And they’ve been having lunch together for weeks.”

I nearly choked on my drink. “How do you know that?”

Morgan eyed me skeptically. “I’m the CEO and his boss. Who do you think he had to call out to this week?”

“He called out of work?” Sutton asked.

“To spend the day with her,” Morgan crooned.

I held my hands up. “It wasn’t like that, and I don’t need the Wright sisters ganging up on me.”