Darius glances at me, the knowing expression on his face that we’ve finally gotten justice for our father makes me smile. It’s small, a mere quirk of the corners of my mouth, but it’s enough for my brother.

Scarlett turns to me. Her eyes wide. “Is it over?” Her question has me taking her in my arms and nuzzling my nose into her fragrant hair. So sweet and so mine.

“Yes.” It’s the only thing I can voice, because I’m still shocked at the revelations that came to light today. I knew the proof Darius showed me was real, that it was the Bardots who killed Dad, so I’m not as shocked as I would’ve been if I didn’t trust Darius.

“I’m sorry,” Scarlett whispers, her hand cupping my cheek as she stares up at me. Before I can say anything, Darius is behind her, his hands on her hips and my inner beast roars with possessiveness. “I’m sorry.” This she says when she looks at him.

She’s so tiny between us. The thought of the past sitting behind us is calming. I turn my attention to Kahn, who’s now moving around the table as he watches us, a smirk curling his lips, and I want to tell him it’s not what he thinks, but I’d be lying.

I thought long and hard about it, and it’s happening. Without a doubt it is because I recall the pleasure, the passion, and I can’t deny us that.

“I’ll be in the office. We’ll sort out Lorenzo,” Kahn informs me, still grinning as he arches a dark brow at me. He knows what’s going to happen here tonight. I want to make Scarlett forget about her fucking grandmother.

We still have her parents to sort out. I want to ensure that Horatio knows exactly what he did to his little girl while being more concerned about his life than hers. And her mother, she’s also in for it, because I’m going to let Darius loose on her. And I can’t wait to see the aftermath of that.

Kahn leaves. It’s only the three of us, like it will be for a long time to come. But for now, Scarlett will be ours to enjoy, and this evening, she’ll learn what it’s like to be loved by the two Shaw brothers.

I lift my gaze to his. A small, glimmer of a smile on his mouth. We know who killed our father, and I hope Darius and I can finally put the past behind us. I owe him an apology. I never believed him when he told me the MC didn’t hurt Dad. It’s my fault he had to live with the pain for so long. Away from our childhood home.



My emotions are in turmoil.

Anger and sadness are at the forefront of my mind though. After hearing Gran’s confession, I’m still reeling.

The sun shines down on my skin as I lie on the lounger in an attempt to read a book, but I can’t focus. I wanted to relax, to try to forget everything that happened and focus on my future, but we haven’t yet spoken to my mom and dad.

I have to.

I can’t ignore the fact that my father paid money to Darius and signed my life over to Lycan. It’s as if he doesn’t care about me. It’s almost as if I’m not his child, and anything that happened to me didn’t faze him.

That thought hurts.

With Lycan and Darius gone to meet with Kahn, the house is quiet. The silence forcing my mind to whirl with images of my grandmother being taken away, with the wedding, the shooting, everything that happened over the past few months is slowly taking its toll, and I want to forget. Just for a night. Which brings my thoughts back to this evening and the promise Lycan offered Darius.

Both of them want me.

It’s intoxicating knowing two powerful men want to be with me, at the same time. Even the few scenes I had with Lycan will not compare. I realize they won’t. I’m so new to their world, and the thought of even just having them both touch me at the same time sends heat coursing through my veins.

Sighing, I set the book down and push to my feet. The warmth of the day will soon disappear, and I’m eager to learn what Kahn found out about the convent and Father Lorenzo. I pray he’s got some answers and hopefully knows if his sister is alive and well. I can’t imagine the pain of losing family you love and care about.

When I reach the bedroom, I find my phone vibrating on the nightstand. Picking it up, I swipe to answer the call.

“Little Red,” Lycan’s deep timber rumbles through the speaker, and my earlier thoughts about him and Darius’s promise about tonight hits me full force. “I want you to prepare for tonight. I want you to have a long, hot bath. There are some essential oils in the cabinet, relax, and try to clear your mind as much as you can. We’ll be back in a couple of hours, and we’ll both be ready to play.”