We have a lot to do, I realize that. For one, we need to find out why Grace was funding Lorenzo’s convent, and we also need to find the fucker. Kahn is working on tracking him, the bastard got away before we arrived, but when they managed to get into the building, they found proof that he’d been there, not long before we arrived.

The girls who have been questioned so far gave us a list of names, and I’ve agreed to allow Alex and Kahn to work together to end the organization. We know who they are, now all we need to do is find the kingpin.

This was always going to be Kahn’s mission. He’s still looking for his sister, and deep down, I pray that she’s still alive. I’m not sure what condition he’ll find her in, but if she’s alive, we can get her help, therapy.

“Tomorrow night,” I finally answer both Scarlett and Darius. “Once we’ve spoken to Grace, gotten some answers from her, we can come back here and have dinner. I have a feeling after talking to the old woman, we’ll need to let off some steam.”

“I want the police on standby,” Darius says quietly before glancing at Scarlett, whose lip is wobbling. This must be difficult for her. Knowing your family has lied to you is one thing, but the proof we have of the money going into an account in Lorenzo’s name is another.

I didn’t want to believe it at first. But once Howler sent through the documents confirming payments, there was no longer a doubt in anyone’s mind. Grace will pay. I’ll make sure of it, but first, we need to talk to her, get answers for ourselves. The one thing I need to know is how she could’ve killed my father, or had him killed, when she loved him so dearly.

“She will be taken away, arrested, and I’ll make sure she never sees the light of day again,” I affirm with a nod before taking Scarlett’s hand. “I’m sorry that you have to go through this.”

My wife shakes her head, those silky crimson strands fall like a curtain, covering her face for a moment before she looks up at me. “She needs to pay for what she’s done. And when my father arrives, he needs to answer for his transgressions as well.” The confidence in her tone, and the conviction painted on her pretty face, make me proud to be her husband. She’s so much stronger than I ever gave her credit for. At least in the beginning.

“Let’s go up,” I tell her, needing to be alone with her for a while, to hold her, give her the strength she needs in order for her to fall apart. Scarlett nods, and I push away from the table, offering Darius a nod in greeting before leading my wife to our bedroom.

The moment we step into the room, I pull her into my arms and allow her to break down. It’s not easy, this is going to be one of the most difficult things she’s ever had to do, but she’ll get through it because I’ll be beside her.

She shakes in my arms, her shoulders rising and falling as she cries. I could tell she needed this, it’s partly my need to read everything that she’s emanating, as a Dominant, but also, I’ve come to learn this woman inside and out. She can never hide anything from me, most of all her emotions.

“You’ll be okay,” I assure her confidently.

Slowly, she nods against my chest before looking up at me. Her wet lashes fluttering as she regards me. Those pretty silver eyes shimmering. “I will because I have you.”

Shaking my head, I respond, “Not only that, but you’re tough. On your own, you’ve got the strength to get through anything.” She doesn’t need me to hold her hand through life, because she can do things on her own. “You may be young, but you have an inner strength that can bring men to their knees. When we first met, I figured you were a spoiled little rich girl, but you’re so much more, you’re a woman. Fierce, resilient, and beautiful.”

A small smile plays at her lips. “I’m glad you can finally see that,” she sasses before I swat her ass hard with the palm of my hand. “Ouch!”

“That mouth will earn you a lot more than that,” I warn her, but the smirk on my lips betrays just how much she controls me and my needs.

“Then show me, Mr. Shaw,” she teases, and I lift her in my arms, planning to do just that and so much more tonight. Because tomorrow, we’re going to walk into a fucking inferno.



I’m nervous.

I didn’t expect to feel like this. Anxious energy twists in my stomach, expelling everything I eat or drink. And that means I haven’t eaten all morning. My grandmother is on her way, and I’m not sure I want to be here to have the conversation we need.