I’m comfortable.

It’s an emotion I’ve not allowed myself to feel for so long, it’s jarring. I finish the last bite of steak before I settle back and pick up my drink. Watching the two people who mean the most to me in this world, I take a sip of vodka, a liquor I haven’t had in years, and enjoy the bitter taste as I swallow it down.

“The first thing I want to do is settle this…” I start, thinking of the best words to use to describe what I want. I settle for, “…thing between us.” I glance between Scarlett and Darius, noticing the blush that forms on my wife’s cheeks.

My brother, on the other hand, looks like he’s about to burst with excitement. I pondered this all the way back home. The thought of sharing her with anyone else doesn’t sit well with me, but knowing my brother will give her what she needs allows me to consider it more and more.

I look at my wife. “You’re new to this world of mine. And I haven’t truly taken you like I want to, shown you what it entails.” I smile when her cheeks darken to a soft rosy hue, and the image of her ass, her thighs, and her calves turning the same color has my dick thickening behind the zipper of my slacks. “I want you to experience it, just this once.” I tack on the last three words to ensure there’s no discussion.

“I don’t know what to say,” Scarlett responds, lifting her napkin to dab at the corners of her mouth as she finishes her meal. She’s so fucking beautiful, at times it’s difficult to look at her. To even fathom this woman is mine.

“We will come to an agreement, what you’re not willing to try, and anything not on that list will be on the yes pile. It’s free rein for us.” I lift my glass and tip it toward Darius.

“Are you sure about this?” Darius asks as he watches me. I can tell he’s worried about my choice to do this. But he doesn’t need to be. I’m doing this for her.

“Scarlett hasn’t experienced being a submissive to me yet. Yes, we’ve played, very little, but I’ve eased her into my life. I didn’t want to throw her in the deep end. Mainly because the start of our relationship wasn’t… conventional,” I finally find the word to describe it.

“That’s no lie,” my wife sasses as she sips her wine. Her mouth crimson from the alcohol, and I can’t stop the desire from burning through my veins as I watch her lick her lips. “I’m just surprised you’re willing to do this, because you can be like a caveman at times.”

“Keep up with that sass and I’ll put you over my knee right here in front of Darius, as well as the staff and I’ll spank your bare ass as they watch,” I threaten, causing her mouth to fall open and a shocked gasp to free itself from her plump lips.

Darius chuckles. “Now that is something I’d love to see.” When Scarlett pins him with a glare, he only laughs harder. “My brother doesn’t fuck around when he threatens, I would be careful if I were you.”

My gorgeous woman folds her arms across her chest and tips her chin up in defiance. “Fine. I want to do it. So, let’s do it.” There’s fire in her eyes, and I wonder just how much she’d be able to handle. The thought has my cock throbbing with the need to see her begging and pleading for mercy. Between Darius and me, she’ll be nothing more than a whimpering mess of blissful female flesh.

“Are you sure?” I arch a brow, meeting her defiant gaze, which only seems to make my dick harder with each passing second. I want to be inside her, right here and fucking now. “Because once you agree, there’s no going back.”

“One night,” Scarlett says with confidence, but I can read the hint of tension that’s so clear in her voice. She purses her lips, and I smile.

“Then it’s settled,” I respond with a satisfied nod. I glance over at Darius, his gaze wide with shock. He didn’t think I would agree to it. The thing about it is that my ring is on her finger. And even though it’s only a scene, one night, I’m convinced she’ll come back to me. Last night cemented her love and affection for me. While I was in pain, her need to care for me when she herself was hurting made it clear that there would be nothing that would take this woman away from me. I want to give her this, and to be honest, I’m going to enjoy it as well.

“And when do you propose we do this?” Darius asks as he watches me, still wary at my sudden change of heart to his request for one night with her.