“This isn’t on you,” I tell him. “You can’t protect me from everything in this world.” It’s a mere whisper, but he hears it.

Those green orbs lock with mine, hooking me and reeling me in. “I can damn well try,” he confirms. “I’m your husband, and if I can’t protect you, then my men will. I don’t want you hurt, ever.”

I nuzzle into his hold before I say, “Unless it’s you hurting me?” I can’t help but smile. My attempt at lightening the mood has him groaning. But I’m not sure if it’s because of my words, or because he’s in pain. “Do you want me to move?”

“No.” He tightens his hold as he answers, and now I definitely can’t shift away from him with his heavy arm wrapped around me protectively. “I don’t want to let you go again,” Lycan tells me easily, his voice rough with exhaustion, and I stay silent, hoping he’ll get some rest.

We’re all tired, and with the number of revelations that seem to be piling up, I’m not surprised. My family, his father, and the connection to that vile criminal, I have a feeling this is only the beginning.

“We’ll leave in the afternoon,” Lycan whispers before his breathing evens out, and I’m excited to go back to Crimson Falls, to the Shaw manor which is now partly mine. My ring shimmers when I trace my hand in circles over Lycan’s chest as it rises and falls.

He’s asleep within seconds, and I lie awake. His warmth cocooning me, but like I told him moments ago, he can’t protect me from everything, no matter how much he tries. I wish he could. I do. But there comes a time in our lives when we need to keep each other safe.

We’re equals, even though he is a dominant alpha male who wants to act like a caveman at times. But this is my family’s lies that are coming to light, and I need to deal with this the only way I know how—by sitting them down and talking face to face. My parents and grandmother have a lot to answer for.

The contract my father signed comes to mind. He still hasn’t answered for his transgressions and it’s time he did. There are more things they need to explain, so many more, but we’ll start off small and work our way up to the much more pressing matters, like how my grandmother could have killed Conall Shaw.

My heart hurts for the two men who have come to mean so much to me. My brother-in-law, who’s so broken, so tortured, I’m not even sure he could have a normal life anymore. And my husband, whose need to control everything and everyone is now so much clearer. I thought he was just a domineering bastard, but he’s more than that—he’s a broken man who needs to know he won’t lose anyone else that matters to him.

It makes sense. When you’ve had to say goodbye to everyone you love in your life, it’s scary to think you would have to do it again. But he has to know I’m not going anywhere. If you had told me months ago that I’d be here, in this position, wanting to stay with Lycan, proud to be his wife, I would’ve told you you’re lying.

I think about my life, and all the people who I thought were there to keep me safe. Instead, they lied to me, kept secrets from me, and sold me just to ensure their bullshit didn’t come to light. That they didn’t get found out for things they did.

Then I think of the only person who was there for me. Other than Lycan. And I realize how much I miss her. As soon as we get back, I need to see Aelin. I need someone to talk to that isn’t a commanding, domineering man.

My lashes flutter against my cheeks as weariness finally comes knocking and with the thought of building a new life in my mind, I nuzzle deeper into Lycan’s hold as I allow sleep to steal me.



I’m thankful to be back in Crimson Falls with my wife. The most surprising thing is that my brother is here too. I never thought I’d see the day where he walked into this house willingly. Yet here he is.

We’re seated at the dining room table, the same one we sat at so many times before as kids. Growing up, we didn’t think about the importance of spending time together. For us, we wanted to race out to be with our friends. Yes, we were close as brothers, closer than some, but right now, I feel like I’ve gained my family back.

Even though our father isn’t here, I still feel his presence as we eat dinner. With Scarlett beside me, and Darius opposite me, it feels like I’m finally home. I’ve spent so long in this house, especially when I first brought my girl here, but for the first time, I’m at ease.