“Kahn’s sister disappeared a few years ago.” I sip my drink before I look at my brother. “She was fifteen.” I note his jaw clenching and his fists tightening as he ponders my words. “He’ll want in on this, and I promised him that. Carnevali just wants the girls freed. I didn’t get into why. My guess is they have mafia princesses in their latest haul.”

“Do we have a location?”

I nod. “Kahn has it. We were on our way here, wanting answers because we learned one of Lorenzo’s men was brought to your compound. I needed to know you weren’t involved.”

“You think I would do this shit?” Darius is fuming, and I don’t blame him. If he brought that same thinking to me, I would’ve probably killed him.

“No, but I had to know why you had an informant here,” I tell him, swallowing back the last of the strong liquid before refilling my mug. “So, can we put our differences aside and work together on this?”

It’s been far too long since we could have a civil conversation. Where we could sit like this in one room without being at each other’s throats, and I have to say, it feels good.

“Yes. Call your men, I’ll get my guys, and we’ll strategize. We have to do this properly.”

“Careful, brother, you’re starting to sound like me,” I taunt. A smile plays at my lips as Darius pins me with a glare. But he knows I’m right. He’s the one who acts first, I’m the one who plans.

“Once Lorenzo is taken care of and the girls are free, we go for the Bardots.” Darius won’t let it go. And after learning about what Grace did, I’m on board one hundred percent.

“Have you contacted Horatio?”

“I have,” he tells me. “The money he transferred to me will set the club up for the next ten years. He needed to pay one way or another. This way, I get my club financial security which means a lot to me.” There’s pain in my brother’s words, and I wonder if there’s something he’s not telling me. I should ask, force him to come clean about everything, but right now, our focus has to be on finishing this job for Alex, and for Kahn.

“You did all this for financial gain?”

He shrugs as if it means nothing, but I can see the truth shining in his stare. “I didn’t think you’d help. To be honest, I thought you’d send me away like Dad did all those years ago.”

Guilt settles in my gut like a poison. “I’m not Dad. I may have loved him, but I never wanted to be him.” My assurance has Darius nodding. “Also, I’m not returning my wife to her father,” I inform him. “If he thinks that’s happening, he has to think again. I’m not cowing to the bastard; I don’t give a shit what he says. She’s mine now, the contract was signed.”

“How did you get him to sign his daughter’s life to you?” There’s a smile gracing my brother’s face as he regards me with pride for what I did. It’s something he would’ve done. In the past, I would’ve been nicer about it, given Horatio the benefit of the doubt, but after seeing what he can do to women, to the submissives and slaves in my club, I knew I couldn’t let him get away with it.

“I learned some secrets he’d rather I keep hidden,” I tell Darius. “And because he fucked up, he agreed to give me his daughter. All for me to shut my mouth about his underhanded dealings, along with the abuse women suffered at his hand.”

“Bastard.” It’s a whisper, but I heard it. Familiar eyes meet mine. “Ready to get this show on the road?”

“Definitely.” Nodding, I push to my feet before pulling out my cell phone and hitting dial on Kahn’s number. “Oh, and I hope you didn’t kill too many of my men yesterday,” I tell Darius before turning away and heading for the patio. The bombs that went off when we returned were heartbreaking, but then, I expected nothing less from Darius Shaw.

“Boss,” Kahn answers.

“Have the men here in thirty minutes. Get them ready for a strategy session because we’re heading to take down Lorenzo. I want everyone here.”

“Consider it done,” Kahn responds before hanging up, and I sit back, resting my left ankle over my right knee as I refill my coffee. I should go back up to Scarlett and let her know we’re okay—me and her. But I need to consider my strategy. She wants to be with Darius and me, and I wonder if I give her one night, will it be enough?

It has to be because I can’t share long term.

Not with her.



With my back against the headboard, I sigh when Lycan doesn’t return. Thankfully, they’ve brought clothes for me, and I was able to change into some comfortable shorts and a floppy sweater. Another thing Lycan brought along was my cell phone. Having my device back is a saving grace. I hit dial on Aelin’s number and hope that she doesn’t hate me. When she finally answers, she’s out of breath, as if she’s been running.