Suddenly, she reaches out a hand and cups my cheek. The softness of her touch has my body warming with need. “Why do you push people away?” Her whispered words fall over me and, like a wave crashing on the shore, it attacks me violently. I feel as if I’m being dragged down into the depths of the sea, where I’ve buried my feelings, where I’ve hidden the need and desire I long since wanted to feel.

“Because those who have come close enough have always been hurt. And I’d rather walk away than have anyone else in my life get hurt,” I confess with a lump forming in my throat and the words as they escape feel like sandpaper scraping the truth from me.

Scarlett shakes her head. “That’s no way to live,” she whispers softly. The gentleness of the moment is broken when Howler shoves open the door. His eyes widen when he takes us in. He’s never seen me act affectionately to anyone, not even the club whores who want my dick.

“They’re close,” he says, before tipping his head toward Scarlett and leaving us to finish whatever the fuck this is. I don’t even know.

“I have to go.” I turn, immediately feeling cold after putting distance between Scarlett and me, but it’s for the best. We can’t do this. I can’t fucking do this because she’s going to leave here with Lycan, and I’ll be on my own once more.

She catches my arm before I walk out of the room, and the plea is shining in her pretty eyes. “Please don’t hurt him.” Her words are filled with worry, anxiety clear in her expression. A pretty girl in love with a beast.

“I promise you I won’t. But I can’t vow that he won’t try to hurt me.” It’s the truth. My brother is coming here to get his girl, and what he does to get her may not be something she’ll agree with.

“Let me go with you?” she asks, a question I consider for a moment. “I won’t run, let me talk to him, show him I’m fine.” She gestures to her clothes, her body, no marks or scars. She’s dressed in a pair of my sweats with a heavy black tee that makes her look like she’s drowning in material and I can’t help but grin.

“Like that?”

She glances at her appearance, then nods. “I don’t have any other clothes since my wedding dress was ripped to shreds,” she informs me, a bite in her clipped tone which has the corners of my mouth quirking at the fire that just never ceases within her.

“He’s going to expect you to be hurt, to be crying and begging him to save you from the big bad hunter,” I tell her with a grin of satisfaction curling my lips. This time, I turn to face her once more, my hands landing on her hips as I tug her closer. “What are you going to tell him, little one? Are you going to admit how much your body responds to my touch? Or are you going to tell him your lips ache to be claimed by mine?”

The air is heavy with promise, with threat, and the slight tremble from Scarlett’s slight frame doesn’t go unnoticed. I see her. I see everything she does, and this time, I’m not going to stop. Cupping her face in my hand, I hold her steady. My mouth finds hers in a slow, gentle kiss. Her breaths come out short, soft gasps of surprise when my tongue darts out and traces her full bottom lip.

“Is that what you’re doing to tell him?” I whisper before I finally claim her mouth with mine, and I don’t stop even when she tries to push me away. Her strength no match for me, but as our tongues dance, she gives up for a long moment and falls into the connection.

And when I pull away, her palm connects with my face.

“Don’t ever do that again.”

I arch a brow as I turn away. “Why? Because you liked it?” I walk away from her, leaving the door open knowing she’ll follow. Time to welcome Lycan and tell him just how much his little princess is welcome in my home anytime.



My body is still humming from the kiss. I can’t believe I allowed it to happen. But the heat of his lips is still scorching mine as I walk behind him, following along like a lost puppy. Each door we pass is shut, and I wonder what’s behind them. Probably bedrooms for the men in the club, but I don’t want to see what goes on behind those wooden barriers.

Darius takes the stairs down to the foyer. For a moment, I wonder if I could make a run for it, but since Lycan is on his way, he’ll save me. Somehow, he’ll find a way to get us both out of here.