Page 7 of His Tight End

“Wait,” I shout back. I look back over to Sasha. I open her chinstrap and pull her helmet off before taking my own off. “I love you too,” I say before kissing her. The oohs I’m hearing are making me think of middle school now.

“Enough of this shit,” Coach Caz shouts. “Back in formation. Now.”

Sasha takes her helmet from me and puts it back on before running back out onto the field. Blake moves to stand next to me. He elbows me in the ribs.

“What’s that all about?”

“I love her.”


“A hundred percent.”

“Good enough for me.”

We finish up practice. For some reason, I’m starving, and all I want is pizza, so I guess it’ll be a cheat day, I think as I grab my water from my bag. I look over at the guys on the field. As soon as I do, Blake jogs over to me.

“I think we should go over there,” he says, sounding weird. I look at him like he’s crazy.

“What? You never go over there. Why now?”

“You see the girl in the light pink shirt?” he asks, gesturing to the tour group.

“Yeah, why?” I ask, looking over my shoulder and nodding.

“That’s my girl.”

“Her?” I ask, taking a second glance at the girl.

“Yeah, her. What the fuck is wrong with you? I don’t give you shit about your choice in women now, do I?” he asks, punching me in the arm. I’ve known the man since college. He has never given a woman the time of day, much like myself before Sasha. We don’t even touch female fans. We are the kings of the dodge and hover. We dodge their touch and never touch them ourselves. He looks over at Sasha, who is doing some kind of fancy-ass stretch on the field. Brandon moves to block my view and shakes his head at me.

“Fine. You win,” I say, chuckling.

We start walking over to the tour group, when Sasha walks up and grabs my arm. “What’s up?”

Blake gestures to the group, “Gotta talk to my girl over there.”

The look of shock on her face is fucking priceless.

“You don’t even like girls,” she blurts out, surprising the hell out of me.

“I like girls,” Blake replies indignantly. “I just haven’t met the girl, and don’t feel the need to stick my dick into any girl that moves while I was waiting to meet her.”


“Seriously. But, that’s about to change, seeing as that’s my girl right there.”

“I have got to see this,” she says and walks with us. We hang back and watch him walk right up to the girl in the pink shirt.

“You guys are just alike,” Sasha whispers in my ear.

“He’s my best friend.”

“I know.”

“I love you,” I tell her, moving my hand to her ass. The pants she’s wearing today make her ass look higher and tighter, which I didn’t think was possible.

“I love you too. I’ve got an idea,” she says, a little too wickedly.

“Oh yeah?”

“Follow me,” she says.

“Our stuff?”

“It’ll still be there,” she says, all but dragging me toward the locker rooms.

“What are you up to, baby girl?” I ask, curious.

“You’ll see. The cheerleaders didn’t have practice today, so we’ve got the place all to ourselves.”

“Do we now?”

We enter the locker room, and she locks it behind us.

Never having been inside a women’s locker room, I am shocked to find it the exact opposite of a men’s locker room. The smell is a thousand times better for one, but the couches throw me for a loop.

She leads me to a couch and pushes me down on it. She looks like a warrior with her eye black still on. I watch as she pulls her clothes off. She’s sweaty, but then again, so am I. She reaches into my pants and pulls on my already hard dick. I lift up and pull my pants down just enough; then I pull my t-shirt over my head.

“So hot,” she murmurs, running her hands over my chest. She lowers her hot pussy down onto my dick and starts to ride me. “Why is this so fucking good,” she moans.

“Because it’s us,” I remind her. My hands grip her ass and assist her as she moves up and down on me. Leaning forward, I kiss her, moving down her neck, to her chest. I suck on each of her nipples. Reaching between us, I rub her clit. “Come for me,” I demand.

“I love you, Brandon,” she cries as she comes, her nails digging her into my shoulders.

“And I love you. More than I thought was possible.” I move her hair out of her face before pulling her down to me. The kiss we share is unlike any we’ve shared before. Something primal is unleashed inside of me. Still, inside of her, I stand and walk with her, my pants and boxers falling to my ankles. With her back against the wall, I fuck into her harder than I ever have before.