Page 16 of Tell Me To Stay

“Fuck, I missed you,” I whisper and it’s her undoing.

She’s already cumming again. Spasming around my cock as her body shivers beneath me.

Even consumed by pleasure, a smirk forms on my lips. I leave an open-mouth kiss along her jaw and then her cheek, waiting for her orgasm to rock through her body. She’s breathing heavily, her lips parted and body still trembling when I pull out just slightly and then push in even deeper, fully seated inside of her.

“I was going to fuck you slowly, to tease you and torture you for making me wait this long to have you again,” I whisper my words and slowly her eyes open. Her baby blues find mine, and I hold them in my gaze.

“I’ve missed you too much not to have you like I selfishly want.”

Sophie lifts her head just slightly, not speaking and only giving me a single kiss before falling back to the bed, barely able to brace herself with her forearms.

And then I ravage her. Keeping my promise. The last time I touch her, she cums one last time with a single flick of my tongue to her clit and nothing more.

Chapter 6


Seven years ago

There’s this ominous feeling I get every time I leave or he leaves. A feeling like this is how it’ll be forever, like this is what I’m supposed to have. A world without him.

I can’t explain the anxiousness and the insecurity. I can explain why I feel so unworthy though. Anyone could look between the two of us and write an essay on that matter.

I think that’s why he doesn’t call me his girlfriend – I’m not. I’m not his girlfriend.

“Hey.” Madox’s voice surprises me, as does his grip on my chin forcing me to look up at him. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I reply, but I can barely breathe as I answer him. Swallowing thickly, I try to come up with a reason to give him that can hide the truth, but I’m struggling. I’m struggling with everything.

With his arms wrapped around me, it all goes away. He has that power – to touch me and let everything else melt to nothing. Everything else is nothing compared to him.

It’s when he leaves that I realize what the feeling is. It’s the feeling you get when you know it’s only a matter of time before it all ends. When it does, I’ll be left with nothing.


Sometimes when people meet, they’ll never be the same again. There’s a piece of the other person that stays with you forever.

I remember this bed, the way it feels, the way it smells like Madox. I remember his house and how it was freezing cold and empty in a way that always made me sad for him. I remember this room, his bedroom, how it was the only place that felt like him, with its dark, textured wallpaper and thick curtains that keep out all the light and sound.

Last night at the bar, Madox gave me more than he gave me all the years we were together. He was quiet and reserved back then, and he never would have told me how he felt. I never knew how he felt. Definitely not that he missed me.

I always knew I loved him, but even so, I also knew he’d let me leave and never come for me. That’s not what someone does when they miss you, let alone when they love you.

For years we were off and on, so there were plenty of times to miss each other. I always went back to him. He was the only man I was ever with because deep down, I thought he cared for me at least, even if it wasn’t the same kind of love that I had for him.

That’s why I sent him a message the morning before I left for good three years ago. After he fucked me in the alley. After I fled back to my apartment, after we fought, after I cried myself to sleep, knowing it was over for good. Even still, before I left with Trish, I gave him one last chance. I texted him before packing what little I had in my apartment for the flight, and I asked him to tell me if he wanted me to stay. I told him I was going to San Francisco, but if he wanted me to stay, I would. I just needed him to tell me how he felt. I needed to know if it was one sided and hear him say it.

He didn’t text me back at all. That’s who Madox is. Or at least it’s who he was.

He never gave me any verbal indication of any sort that he wanted me. All I needed was for him to tell me he wanted me to stay, and he never did.