He scoffs at me. “Please. I’m so muscular, you’ll snap that thing in half before I even feel it.”

Dang. He’s probably right.

I playfully jab at his arm to test out the theory and he swats me away. “Rooster, corral your woman!”

“Corral.” I giggle into my hand and drop the fork. “Good one.”

Jiggy grins at me. “When in Texas…”

“Please, stop encouraging him to be even more childish.” Rooster leans over and flicks Jigsaw’s shoulder.

“We got this, bro,” Pants calls out, carrying a large tray. “No need to help.”

“You said you had it.” Jigsaw shrugs.

Pants ends up dragging a chair right next to my mother and sticks his tongue out at Jiggy.

Good grief.

“All right,” my mother announces, standing at the head of the table. “Thank you for looking out for my baby girl on the road.” She settles her gaze on Rooster. “And bringing her home safe.”

“Cheers!” Steer punches his fist in the air.

“Dig in.” She sits down and passes the plates of food around.

“Oh my God, Mrs. Morgan,” Pants moans through a mouthful of potatoes. “This is the best meal we’ve had in months.”

“We might not leave,” Steer adds.

Momma glows with pride over all the compliments the guys shower her with.

While everyone’s busy stuffing their faces, Logan leans into me and whispers in my ear, “This is my favorite because it’s the first meal we ever had together.”

My heart melts into a puddle of goo. “You remember?”

“Pretty hard to forget since I had to eat wearing nothing but a towel.”

I shake with laughter, falling against his side. “I should ask you to have dinner with me like that more often.”

“Anytime you want. Just say the word, chickadee.”

“They’re like this all the time,” Pants says to my mother, watching us with a playful smirk. “It’s revolting but kinda cute.”

A tight smile pinches my mother’s face. She sets her fork down and clasps her hands together. “I have news, Shelby.”

Her tone puts me on alert and I sit up straight. “What kinda news?”

“I have an offer on the house.”

I stare at her while trying to remember if there had been a ‘for sale’ sign in the front yard. “What kind of offer?”

“Well, it was the strangest thing. Had a guy stop by. A lawyer. He has a client who wants to own the house Shelby Morgan grew up in.”

“What?” I blink and stare. “That’s pure crazy.”

“No, apparently it happens all the time. They made me an offer that was more than fair, so I’m sellin’. Was hopin’ y’all could help me pack while you’re here.” She nods to Rooster and me.

“No problem,” Rooster says.

“You can’t sell our house to some…stalker. That’s, that’s…” I sputter, unsure of what I want to say.

Pants and Steer jump up. “We’ll clear the table for you.”

No one was quite finished eating yet but it’s obvious they want out of the awkward conversation. Our side of the table sways as Dex stands to join them. Jigsaw extracts himself and takes a seat on the other side.

Rooster cocks his head and stares at Jiggy who ignores the obvious get lost message.

“Shelby, this is the best possible scenario.” Momma gestures to the cracking patio and crumbling foundation. “I’m gonna have a hell of a time sellin’ this place without sinking a ton of money into it. They’re willing to pay cash.”

Rooster settles his hand on my back. “Did the buyers ask to meet Shelby or want anything of hers?” he asks.

“No, nothing like that,” Momma says. “I wouldn’t have accepted if I thought it was a weirdo like—”

“Don’t say his name,” I warn, holding my hands up as if they can protect me from the ghost of Martin Suggs.

“I thought you’d be happy for me,” Momma says.

“I am.” A drop of guilt trickles down my spine. “I guess I wanted to be the one to buy you a new house.”

“Oh, honey.” She reaches over the table and takes my hand. “I’m not buying a new house yet.”

“Where are you gonna go?”

She shrugs and glances down at the table, an embarrassed flush spreading over her cheeks. “Don’t know. There’s not much for me here without you. I was thinkin’ about Tennessee if you’re gonna settle there to record or…” her gaze flicks to Rooster briefly. “Until I figure out where I want to land, I thought I’d rent a place down by the Pearl.”

Just how much did these strangers offer to buy the house for? “Lot of nice, newer places. Kind of a younger crowd, though. Won’t that be annoying?” I ask.

She narrows her eyes. “Are you calling me old?”


“There are more places within walking distance. Lot of bars, coffee shops, and restaurants for me to find a job.”

Dammit, I hate the thought of my momma still waitin’ tables.

“Don’t look at me like that, Shelby,” she warns, reading my expression correctly. “I’m not good at sittin’ around doing nothing. And I’ll be damned if I’m gonna live off my daughter.”