Acorn spends a few seconds staring at his feet before finally looking up to meet my cold stare.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he says.

Well, fuck me sideways.

“I got no excuse for being a dick,” he continues, “but I can’t let you leave without apologizing.”

Stunned doesn’t really cover where my head’s at.

Jiggy silently brushes my side, but keeps his mouth shut.

“We’re cool, Acorn,” I finally answer.

“Just don’t ever pull that shit again,” Jigsaw adds.

Acorn’s eyes widen. Hard to believe he just noticed Jiggy. He nods at him and holds his hand out to me. “Shiny side up when you’re out there on the road. Hope you guys will be back soon. Heather really liked hanging out with Shelby.”

Ahh, maybe that’s why he’s suddenly so apologetic. Either that, or Pony had some words with his road captain before church this morning.

“Shelby had a nice time too,” I say, not wanting to overdo it.

We shake hands. Jiggy even accepts a handshake.

“You gonna hit breakfast before leaving?” Acorn asks.

“Yeah, I think so.” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder toward the hallway. “Need to go grab Shelby first.”

Jiggy rests his chin on his hands in prayer style. “She up there twisting herself into a pretzel?”

“Shut up.” I laugh and smack him. “Yeah, probably.”

Acorn leers at me. “Heather showed me some of your girl’s yoga clips. Surprised you let her post that shit on her social media.”

And I’m back to wanting to punch him again.

I growl at him and turn to head to our room. Jiggy catches up with me.

“I can’t believe you let that go.”

I glare at him. “And I can’t believe you brought that up in the first place.”

“Yeah.” He hangs his head. “I need to learn it’s more appropriate to mess with you in private.”

“That doesn’t sound any better.”

We stop at the door and I tap my knuckles against the wood.

“Why are you knocking on your own door?”

“Because you’re with me.” I blow out a breath. “Are you in a contest with yourself to see how irritating you can be this morning?”

He taps his fingers against his chin. “I hadn’t really thought of it that way.”

I push the door open, hoping I’ve given Shelby enough warning. She’s sitting in the middle of the bed shuffling through her Tarot cards.

“Can you ask the universe if I’m getting lucky tonight?” Jiggy quips.

A slight smirk plays at the corners of Shelby’s mouth. “Why waste a question on the universe that I already know the answer to? Nope.”

Not insulted, Jiggy busts up laughing. “Such a funny little songbird.”

“How was your meeting?” Shelby asks me.

“Not bad.” I lean over and kiss her cheek while she scoops up her cards and tucks them away. “You ready to go?”

She points to her bags stacked up next to the closet. “Just waitin’ on you.”

“You plannin’ to lift anything heavier than your dick today?” I ask as Jiggy watches me pick up the bags.

He palms his crotch. “It’s a two-hander, for sure.”

Christ, I walked right into that one. “Big help. Why are you here again?”

“Supervising your work.”

Seems more like he wants to avoid alone time with anyone in our old charter, so I drop it.

“I’ll meet you downstairs,” Shelby says, scooting off the bed. “I want to ask Heather about that thing we talked about.”

In the hallway, Jiggy bumps my elbow. “What thing is she asking Heather about? A three-way? Four-way? God, you don’t wanna four-way with Acorn—”

“The fuck is wrong with you?” I stop at the top of the staircase and stare at him. “She wants to try to get Heather tickets for tonight’s show.”

“Oh.” He snaps his fingers. “Yeah, that makes more sense.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, stomping down the stairs.

We get the bikes ready without any more idiotic conversation.

“Don’t suppose we can get out of breakfast?” Jiggy stares at the clubhouse when we’re finished.

“Probably not. Let’s get it over with and hit the road.”

Shelby’s already sitting next to Heather. I take the chair on her other side.

“Oh my God that sounds amazing,” Heather gushes, then bites her lip. “Shoot. I can’t tonight. Oh, dammit. I’m sorry.”

Sounds like Shelby extended the invitation to tonight’s show. Does the relief coursing through me that Heather can’t go make me an asshole? Maybe. Do I care? Nope.

“It’s okay.” Shelby pats Heather’s arm. “I didn’t mean to spring it on ya at the last minute.”

“No, thank you for asking. I’d love to.”

“Maybe next year.” Shelby lifts her hand in the air, crossing her fingers.

“It’s a date,” Heather promises.

They move on to other topics and a few minutes later, Heather jumps up to help someone at the coffee bar.

“No go?” I whisper to Shelby, draping my arm over the back of her chair.

“Nope.” Her shoulders jerk up quickly as if she doesn’t want to admit she’s relieved.

“You tried and that’s what matters.” I kiss her cheek. “I really appreciate it.”