He stares at me for a few seconds, as if it’s the last thing he ever expected out of my mouth. “That’s a sweet gesture, but you don’t have to do that.”

“I’ll call Greg and see if it’s even possible before I make the offer.”

“Thank you, Shelby.” He swallows hard. “I know this visit was awkward in a lot of ways—”

“But it’s your club. We’re going to run into Acorn and Heather in the future, I’m sure.” Rooster’s mentioned the national meetings in Mississippi. And no doubt when I have future tour dates in this area, we’ll stop by to say hello. “So, I’d like to be on friendly terms with them as much as possible.”

His arms band around me tighter. “You’re not only sweet, you’re so fucking smart.”

I cup his cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you too, chickadee.” He pulls away. “I was worried about leaving you here by yourself. But I didn’t need to.”

“I wasn’t concerned you’d see her again and think she was the one who got away or something.” I grin, adopting a bit of his cockiness. “You need a woman with a stiffer spine by your side.”

“Hell yeah, I do.” He gently brushes my hair off my face. “You’re all the best qualities I ever wanted in a woman rolled into one—sassy, smart, sweet, and so fucking beautiful I can’t take my eyes off you.”

My heart does a little dance. No one has ever seen me the way he does.

“Come shower with me,” he urges, rolling to the side and pulling me with him.

“Will you tell me what happened with the Red Storm guys?”

“Probably not,” he admits. “Nothing you need to know.”

“They’re not going to come after us, are they? Or try to blow up the clubhouse after we leave?”

The smile slides off his face. “No, Shelby. Nothing like that. Promise.”

I trust Rooster.

But I don’t trust that the other MC will just let it go.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Even though this side-trip almost turned into a shit show, Shelby’s presence got me through it.

She had to be more uncomfortable hanging out with Heather than she admitted. But she was still kind. Offering to get tickets for Heather floored me. It’s like Shelby instinctively knows what she can do to smooth out any rough edges in my world. She’s already the perfect ol’ lady.

I sleep like the dead, my body curled around hers, unwilling to let go.

As soon as I’m out of the shower the next morning, my phone’s going off. Shelby hands it to me with a pout.

I check the texts and respond to the ones that require an answer.

“I gotta head downstairs. Pony asked me to join them for church.”

Her forehead wrinkles.

“I know we have to get on the road. I won’t be long.”

In the chapel, hungover brothers are groaning and whining about church being called so early.

Jiggy and I take chairs near the end of the table. I reach over to bump my fist against Dex’s shoulder and lift my chin Steer’s way. I nod to Pants, who’s leaning against the wall.

Pony must have retired early last night. He’s stone-faced and not in the mood for bitching or bullshit this morning. He smashes his gavel against the table, silencing brothers complaining about the early hour.

“We’re going to give our East Coast brothers a proper goodbye and thank you,” he says. “Pants took a bullet for us yesterday. Rooster, Jiggy, Dex, Steer, we want you to know your help at the meeting with Red Storm is appreciated.”

Meeting is a bit of a stretch. Beating with a few questions peppered in would be more accurate.

I do the polite, expected thing. “No thanks necessary. Kings first—always. We know you’d do the same.”

That’s the last topic that involves me. I half-listen to them discuss a few local matters. Boring shit. If they’re still involved with gunrunning, they’re not discussing it in front of me.

After Pony dismisses everyone, I make my way over to him.

“Thank you for the hospitality, brother,” I say, holding out my hand.

He shakes it quickly. “This is your home, you’re always welcome here. You know that.”

I appreciate the sentiment, even if this place will never feel like home again. “Thanks. Hope we’ll see you down in Mississippi for National?”

“Hell, yeah. You know Priest will ride my ass if I’m not there. Last thing I need is him paying us a visit. Better to go to him than have him come here.”

“Can’t argue with that.” Fuck knows when Priest shows up at our charter he throws everything into chaos.

Outside the chapel, Acorn’s waiting for me. And I am not in the mood for this motherfucker this morning.

“Rooster.” He blocks my path. “Hold up.”

After yesterday’s sucker punch, the stories Shelby told me, and now this, I’m itching to plant my fist in his face a few more times.

From the corner of my eye, I catch Jiggy moving in. By cornering me this way, Acorn’s begging to have his ass kicked in his own clubhouse this morning.