“Shit, am I gonna get him back?” He sounds like he’s joking but it’s hard to tell over the phone.

“Everything all right there, Prez?”

“Yeah. Crystal Ball’s missing Dex and I miss Jiggy’s words of wisdom. But it’s all good.”

“You don’t miss me?”

“Nah, you’re always showing me up with that big, bushy beard of yours.”

I run my hand over my chin. “Well, maybe when you hit puberty, you’ll grow one too.”

“Good one.” He chuckles, then turns serious. “As long as you keep Stella off my back, we’re good, brother.”

“She hasn’t bothered you, has she? I’ve fixed the issues she—”

“Haven’t heard a word from her. Just how I like it.”

I blow out a breath. “Okay. Good.”

“Ice says you’re on top of his operation too. So, thank you for that.”

“Yeah, of course.”

“You gonna see Dex again tonight?”

“I should, yeah.”

“Have him call me.”


We say our goodbyes and disconnect.

Outside the chapel, Jiggy’s still waiting, although now he’s been joined by a blonde in a yellow sundress. Jiggy jerks his chin to the side, sending her away.

“Don’t let me interrupt.” I hold my hands in the air. “Do your thing.”

He rolls his eyes. “Thanks, I’d rather not have my dick rot off.”

“Ooo.” I press my fingers against my lips and widen my eyes, just to be an asshole. “When did you become so judgmental?”

“Fuck off. What’d Z say?”

“He misses your wit and wisdom.”

Jiggy grins and rubs his knuckles over his chest. “Naturally.”

“Not much else. Wants me to call Blaise. Relieved that we’re whole.”

“We got lucky.”

I pull him in for a quick hug. “Glad you were at my side today, bro.” I lean back and poke him in the stomach. “Also happy you escaped without any holes.”


Dex joins us, hands in his pockets and sullen expression in place. “You all right, bro?” I ask.

“Honestly, I’m ready to get back on the road.”

“We’ll head out early.”

He nods. “Figured.”

“Hey, Z asked you to call him tonight.”

His eyes widen. “When’d you talk to him?”

“Couple minutes ago.”

“I’ll call him now.”

I shake his hand and thank him before he leaves. Can’t help thinking he seems relieved for an excuse to leave the party as I watch him stride away.

“He all right?” I ask Jiggy.

He shrugs. “I don’t think he knows what to do with himself if he’s not working.”

“No wonder he fits in so well upstate.” Rock’s crew is known for working harder than they party.

“We’re not exactly slackers.”

I cock one eyebrow. “We?”

“I work.”

“Yeah, my last nerve.”

He cracks up laughing. “I walked right into that one.”

I slap his shoulder and wish him luck.

Outside the door to my room, I stop at the sound of laughter. Is Shelby watching TV or is someone with her?

I push open the door.

Heather and Shelby glance up at me from where they’re sitting on the floor. Shelby’s cloth and tarot cards are spread out in the space between them.

Okay. Wasn’t expecting to find my ex hanging out in our room.

“Hey, Rooster.” Heather waves at me.

“Logan!” Shelby jumps up and runs over, crashing into me. I lift her and she wraps her legs around my hips and fuses her mouth to mine. “Are you okay?” she whispers softly against my lips.

I nod and kiss her again before setting her on her feet.

“Are all the guys back?” Heather asks, standing and nervously staring everywhere but at Shelby and me.

“Not yet.”

She seems hesitant, like she doesn’t want to leave. If I were a nicer guy, I guess I’d tell her she doesn’t have to go. Maybe I’d offer to return to the party downstairs and hang with the boys so she and Shelby can keep doing whatever they were doing.

But I’ve never claimed to be a nice guy, so I don’t say any of that.

“Well, I’ll head out,” Heather says. “Thanks, Shelby.”

“Sure. We’ll probably be down later,” Shelby offers.

I peer down at her with a raised eyebrow. My plans for the rest of the night have nothing to do with leaving this room.

As soon as Heather’s out the door, Shelby’s back in my arms. “I was so worried about you.”

She fits me perfectly. Her soft body wrapped around mine feels like home. “I’m fine, chickadee.”

“Is Pants okay?” She steps back. “Did he see a doctor?”

“He’s almost good as new. Dana’s kissing his boo-boos as we speak.”

She wrinkles her nose. “Is Jiggy okay? Dex?”

Fuck, I love her for worrying about my brothers so much. “Everyone’s fine.”

She drops her gaze to my scraped knuckles. “You’re not fine.” She peers at my face, gently turning my head to the side. “You never let me put ice on this and now it’s swelling.”

I work my jaw from side to side, testing it out. It hurts but it’s nothing I can’t handle. “I’m all yours now. Do whatever you want with me.”

One corner of her mouth slides up. “I’m glad you said that.” She walks over to the mini fridge being used as a television stand and opens the door, pulling out a small bag of ice.