“You’re really worried about me?” he asks in a more serious way than I’d expect from him since he enjoys being such a prankster.

“Of course I am.”

“Thanks, Shelby.”

I reach up and give him a quick hug. “You two look out for each other.”

“You know it.”

Rooster watches our innocent embrace with a blank expression, then pulls me in for a long, reassuring kiss. “We’ll be back before you know it.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

My heart’s lodged in my throat as they meet Acorn at the door and walk outside.

A few seconds later their bikes start up and roar out of the parking lot.

My gaze scans the main room. Heather’s busy talking to one of the club girls who’d been dogging me earlier.

Will I be totally rude if I hang out at the bar by myself? Probably.

I take my sweet time searching for a glass behind the bar, then poke around until I find some ice, and the seltzer water.

I’m so dang worried about Rooster. Underneath my fear, I’m trying to be an adult about the situation I’m in, but I’m not thrilled about hanging out with someone my boyfriend used to screw. Even if she seems nice.

Also, why the hell did her husband feel the need to pick a fight with Rooster, earlier? Is Heather carrying a torch for Rooster and her husband knows it? Or is her husband one of those nuts threatened by any man from his wife’s past?

She did seem interested in my music, so maybe we can discuss that and steer clear of conversation involving my man and their shared history.

“Just so you know, things around here aren’t always crazy like today.” Heather approaches the bar and pulls out a stool.

Hiding at the bar time is over. I set down my glass and aim the soda gun, fill it to the top and add a few wedges of lime to it before answering her. “I guess until today, I’d only seen the fun parts.”

“They had to do it, though. If they ignored another club showing that level of disrespect, next thing you know, every club within a day’s ride will show up to challenge us.”

“Well, they shot first, so I understand.” Although I’m not sure I really do. I mean, how does one particular club own the roads? And how is flinging bullets more sensible than talking it out? “I remember hearin’ about stuff like that back home.”

“You’re from Texas, right?”

For some reason, the question brings on a wave of longing for home. My mouth curves into a bittersweet smile. Growing up, I couldn’t wait to get out of Texas. How can I finally be on the road living my dream and feelin’ homesick? “Born and bred.”

“How’d you and Rooster meet?” She frowns, as if this question’s been burning her tongue all day. “He’s all the way up in New York now.”

Cool, she knows how maps work. “He was visiting with the club.” While I know she’s part of the Lost Kings too, I’m not sure how much of that visit I should share with her, so I keep the explanation vague.

“He always had a case of wanderlust. I mean, most of the guys do, but he was always talking about leaving here and exploring the country.”

Seems Rooster and I have all sorts of things in common.

The wistful expression on her face triggers a bunch of questions. Did she want him to invite her along on those adventures? Were they planning to explore the open road together before her dad ended things for them?

Cautious of where our conversation might be headed, I nod. “Sounds right. He’s sure made the tour a lot more fun for me.”

“Really? You’re not worried about him alienating you from Dawson?”

Alienating…what? “Not at all. He and Dawson get along great.”

“Wow.” Her eyes widen and she swallows hard, like that was a big lemon wedge of knowledge to swallow. “Who knew Rooster would be mingling with famous people one day.”

Geez, that sounds weird, but I guess from her perspective that’s what it looks like.

“He told you we used to…date?” She flaps her hands in the air between us. “I mean, I know the girls said as much at the park.”

“He mentioned it before we got here.” Also that your pervy dad shot at him. But I manage to keep that part in my mouth.

“Yeah, he was like…my first real boyfriend.”

Does she want a medal?

I want to be an adult about this but dammit, I’m uncomfortable. And I don’t want details.

My unease with this topic must be obvious. She flaps her hands around again. “Sorry, sorry. Just, oh my God, it’s so weird to see him here again, serious about someone else and all.”

“Well, you’re married, so it shouldn’t be too weird for ya.” I can’t even force a polite laugh.

“Right, you’re right!” she says in a rush. “Besides, Rooster and I were babies when we were together. Neither of us knew what the heck we wanted, you know?”