The lapse in attention is all Rooster needs. He flies at Acorn, delivering a punishing but controlled barrage of punches to his face. The second or maybe the fourth punch knocks Acorn to the ground.

“We done with this now?” Rooster asks, standing over him.

A rustling of leaves and the snap of twigs sound from the path. Lord, I hope it’s not a park ranger coming to arrest us. Or worse, Acorn’s buddies here to back him up.

Jigsaw pops out and I breathe a sigh of relief. “The fuck’s going on?” he asks.

“He went after Rooster for no damn reason.” I take a breath to calm my shrill voice.

Acorn crab-crawls in the dirt, eying Rooster again.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Jigsaw snarls, stepping up to Rooster’s side.

“What the fuck?” Pony emerges from a different trail. His quick, intelligent eyes scan the scene. He walks up behind Acorn and bends down to pinch the back of Acorn’s neck and drag him to his feet. Blood drips from Acorn’s split lip and his right eye is already swelling.

Pony’s angry gaze shifts between Rooster and Acorn. “What happened?” he demands.

Rooster and Acorn continue glaring at each other. Jiggy remains stoic as well.

Pony’s face turns crimson. “Someone better start talking.”

“He sucker-punched Rooster for no dang reason!” I yell since it doesn’t seem Rooster intends to defend himself here.

Rooster slides his gaze my way and shakes his head.

No snitching his expression seems to say. Well, screw that. Telling the president that one of his boys is a jerk ain’t the same as snitching. But I shut my yap because this is a matter between brothers.

“Explain fast, Acorn.” Pony slaps his road captain on the back of the head. “Did you disrespect a visiting brother? A VP no less?”

“He insulted Heather,” Acorn mumbles.


“Back there.”

Pony stares at Acorn and then into the woods. “That shit with Hopper and the girls? You came after Rooster for that? He didn’t even open his mouth.”

That’s what I’m sayin’.

“Get the fuck out of here.” Pony shoves him toward the woods. “This ends right the fuck now or I’m gonna end you. We clear?”

Acorn works his bruised jaw from side to side a few seconds too long for my taste. But he finally holds out his hand to Rooster. “Apologies, brother.”

Rooster accepts the handshake but his jaw’s tight as he answers with a simple, unconvincing, “Yeah.”

“You witness what went down?” Pony asks Jigsaw.

“No, Acorn was already on the ground when I got here.” Jigsaw nods at me. “But Shelby saw and she’s no liar.”

Pony nods but doesn’t question me. “I’m sorry, Rooster. That shouldn’t have happened. I’m not sure what’s gotten into him.” He gives me a sly smirk. “Obviously, you’ve moved on to greener pastures.”


“Maybe he’s jealous,” Pony adds.

Rooster grunts in response, moving closer to take his cut from my hands. He slips it on, adjusts the collar and cracks his neck.

“We good?” Pony asks. A tremor of concern seems to tick at his jaw as he waits for Rooster’s answer. Like maybe he’s worried Rooster’s gonna report back to someone that Pony can’t control his crew.

“Yeah, as long as he doesn’t come after me again, we’re fine. I don’t need that bullshit. I’m just here to visit.” He curls his arm around me. “I wanted my girl to get to know my home club. Wasn’t expecting to get into a boxing match over ancient history.”

Dang, Rooster, rub it in.

Pony drops his head. “What can I do, brother?”

“Nothing, Prez. I’m good as long as he behaves.”

“I’m not,” Jigsaw says. “He disrespected my brother in front of his ol’ lady. That ain’t okay.”

Rooster glares at Jiggy.

“No, he’s right, Rooster,” Pony says.

“Let it go,” Rooster insists. “We have to get back on the road early tomorrow. I just want to relax and catch up with the club for the rest of our visit. This doesn’t need to go further.”

“All right,” Pony agrees.

Relax at the club? How exactly does Rooster think we’re going to do that when one of his brothers is spoiling for a fight?

Chapter Twenty-Four


Outlaw bikers aren’t exactly known for our patience and understanding. We’re known for stomping people—even our brothers—for any sign of disrespect.

Still, Acorn went too far.

I swipe at a trickle of blood at the corner of my mouth and crack my jaw.

“Shoot.” Shelby fusses, trying to pull my hand away from my face. “Let’s go grab ice for that.”

“I’m fine.” I run my knuckles over her cheek. “You all right?”

Her eyes blaze with fury. “No, I’m fit to be tied! How dare he get his boxers in a wad and come after you like that.”

My lips curve up and I wince. As much as I hated that she had to see any of that, I love her passion. “I’m fine. Don’t think he’ll try it again.”

“He shouldn’t have done it in the first place,” Jigsaw says.