The path ahead opens and crystal-blue water glitters under the sunlight. A heavy waterfall of crashing water relentlessly pours over the steep rock wall across from us.

“Oh wow!” I jog closer and Rooster pulls me back.

“Careful, don’t want you to end up in the water.”

That stops me cold. “I’ll observe from this safe distance right here.” I drag the toe of my boot in a line in front of us.

“I’ve got you, chickadee.” Rooster wraps himself around me, curving himself against my back. He’s a warm, hard wall of comfort and safety.

“This is the happiest I’ve ever been,” I blurt out.

He rubs his cheek against mine, his bristly beard tickling my skin. “You mean that?”

“I’ve been waitin’ my whole life to get out and see things. Travel around the country. It’s beautiful here and sharing it with you…” My eyes sting and I swipe at them. “Makes me so happy.”

“Good,” he says low and rough.

Carefully, we step closer to the edge where the view’s even more breathtaking. He drops onto one of the low rocks, encouraging me to sit next to him.

“It’s so peaceful,” I whisper.

“Gets busier on the weekends.” He curls an arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “Trying to remember where the more secluded spots are around here.”

I sense a sexy agenda on his mind.

“Oh yeah?” I peek up at him. “You ever find secluded locations here with anyone else?” I tip my head toward the way we came.

“No,” he answers without taking his eyes off me.

I trace my fingers over his chest. “What do you want to do if we find a secret spot?”

He teases the collar of my shirt over my shoulder and kisses my neck. Happy little shivers dance down my spine. “Find a tree.” He twines his fingers with mine. “Something sturdy you can brace yourself against and stick your hot little ass out for me.”


His hand brushes the edge of my sweatshirt, sneaking under to tickle my stomach and tug at the button of my jeans. “I’ll pull these down just enough to give me access to your tight—”

I grab his hand and push it lower, right between my legs. “Wet,” I whisper in his ear.

“Fuck,” he groans and drops his forehead against my shoulder.

“Oh,” I gasp as he rubs his knuckles against my center. “Then what?”

“Take my cock out and impale you until you’re up on tiptoes.”

I turn, catching his lips for a quick kiss. “What if I wanted to slide my tongue over your cock first? Take as much of you as I can in my mouth?”

“Jesus.” He squeezes his eyes shut for a second. “No. Can’t risk anyone catching you on your knees in the woods.”

Just the way he tells me no turns me into mush but I still love teasing him. “Doggy against a tree is better?”

His rough laughter heats me up even more. I lean in for a longer kiss.

Behind us a twig snaps.

We both turn.

Acorn steps off the trail.

Something about his posture raises a red flag. I pull away from Rooster. He must sense danger too. He stands and offers me his hand, pulling me off the ground and away from the ledge.

“What’s up, Acorn?” Rooster says in an even tone.

“Need to talk to you.” His dark gaze shifts to me and back to Rooster. “That wasn’t cool how you disrespected my wife back there.”

Hell’s bells, is he for real?

I open my mouth but Rooster squeezes my hand.

“Come again?” Rooster asks.

“That shit between you and my wife is way in the past.”

“Never said it wasn’t,” Rooster answers. “If you remember, I’m not the one who brought it up. Maybe you should have this talk with your father-in-law.”

“That bugs you, huh?” Acorn sneers. “He accepted me with Heather but not you.”

Rooster smirks. “Not at all.” He tugs on my hand as if to indicate he’s much happier with me. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m more than content.”

Acorn slides his gaze over me and smirks, as if he finds me lacking.

Fuck this guy. I tug on Rooster’s hand. “Let’s go.”

“You still disrespected her,” Acorn insists.

This guy can’t be for real. “Are you joking?” I blurt out.

Acorn lunges forward. Rooster pushes me to the side about two seconds before Acorn’s fist smashes into the side of Rooster’s face.

“What the hell’s wrong with you?” I shout.

Rooster rubs his jaw. An evil sort of laugh I’ve never heard from him slips out. He eyes Acorn with contempt.

“All right. You wanna go there? Let’s go.” Rooster shrugs off his cut and hands it to me. “Hold this.”

“Rooster, don’t—”

But he’s not listening to me. Nope. He’s solely focused on his opponent now.

“Remember,” Rooster warns, raising his fists, “you asked for this.”

“Bring it, asshole,” Acorn says with a lot less confidence. He turns, briefly scanning the area behind him, like he’s searching for an escape route or maybe backup.